Wedding of Maura and Ronnie July 22 nd 2011
- monthly worship services at the Richmond Lodge and the Care Home provided by Rev. Carla, Bonnie Warnock, Marg Walker, Sharon Eaton and music by David George and Marg Sadler -Lighting of the Park -Fair and Christmas Float
-Good Friday Walk -Lenten Service -Fair Worship Service -Sounds of Christmas
-donations to the Pause Table at Carleton University -Angel Tree Richmond Food Bank White Gifts for Center 507 $4604 donated to the Mission and Service Fund Countless other charities supported through the committees of St. Paul’s
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” -Teilhard de Chardin should feed the mind, body and the spirit.
Fundraiser to benefit “Friends of Hospice”
-you are the ones that make this such a wonderful place -without your “time, talent and treasure” the place would fall apart
“Called to worship... sent to serve...”