Journey – a discussion series. Topic 1: Journeying and Jesus As a baby, he travelled as a refugee to Egypt As an adolescent, he travelled with his parents.


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Presentation transcript:

Journey – a discussion series

Topic 1: Journeying and Jesus As a baby, he travelled as a refugee to Egypt As an adolescent, he travelled with his parents to Jerusalem to the Temple As an adult, he travelled the pathways of Palestine – healing, teaching, challenging As our Saviour, he travelled the road to the cross, As our Brother, he travels with us now…

Our own life journeys If our life consisted of twelve months, Jan, Feb and March would be given over to babyhood, adolescence and young adulthood; April, May and June – to establishing family and work and community connections; July, August and September – to the height of our strength and influence and involvement …

Seasonal Cycles of Life October: yrs ( and beyond ) Straightening out past relationships and the kinks of past situations; examining our lives in the long view. November: yrs ( and beyond) Valuing life, serving others and giving back to the community / planet December: yrs (and beyond) Preparing for solitude with God, finding contentment, and preparing for a good death.

From birth To death and beyond OUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY

The river of my life Where did my river flow from? Where is my river flowing to? Special places/moments/ rocks/rapids? How am I travelling on my river? Who is with me? Where is Jesus? Where would I like him to be? What do I need from God at this stage of the journey?

Who has helped you on your journey?

Where have I glimpsed /felt God? A pattern of events - synchronicity Answered prayer Things/arrangements falling into place An awareness of a presence / divine… An experience, whether you call it God or not, that is different from our everyday life and experience – something ‘other’ A direct experience of God e.g. through the prompting of the Holy Spirit etc