True & False of Suicide Myth or Truth? 1.Teenage suicide is preventable. 2.Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death for age and the number is increasing dramatically. 3.Young people commit suicide at a rate of one every hour and 40 minutes in the U.S. 4.Teenagers talk about suicide to get attention. 5.All teenagers who commit suicide are depressed. 6.Suicidal people really want to die and you can’t stop them. Talking about suicide will cause someone to try it. If a person wants to kill themselves, we have no right to stop them. Once suicidal, you are suicidal forever. Suicidal thoughts are a sign that the person is “crazy.” The suicide rate is highest among the elderly. The most common time for suicide is mid-winter.
True & False of Suicide Myth or Truth? 1.Teenage suicide is preventable. True 2.Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death for age and number is increasing dramatically. True 3.Young people commit suicide at a rate of one every hour and 40 minutes in the U.S. True 4.Teenagers talk about suicide to get attention. True BUT …. 5.All teenagers who commit suicide are depressed. True (but all depressed teens aren’t suicidal). 6.Suicidal people really want to die and you can’t stop them. False Talking about suicide will cause someone to try it. False If a person wants to kill themselves, we have no right to stop them. False Once suicidal, you are suicidal forever. False Suicidal thoughts are a sign that the person is “crazy.” False The suicide rate is highest among the elderly. True The most common time for suicide is mid-winter. False
Mortido Freud says that all people have a “death wish” or mortido Mortido can show itself in: –Smoking –Drinking –Drug use –Sexual promiscuity –Risky behavior –Etc. Cite examples from society (music, film, tv, etc.)
Émile Durkheim French Sociologist 4 Types of Suicide 1.Egoistic Person feels detached from the world – alone. Nobody understands or cares. 2.Altruistic Person feels that the good of society is the greater good, over their own needs – even over their life -- “suicide for a cause” 3.Anomic Caused BY a breakdown of society. Person feels unable to live in the society; needs can never be met. 4.Fatalistic Living under an oppressive government, living in prison, etc. Person feels it is better to die.
Suicide Statistics Suicide is the 10 th leading cause of death in this country. Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death among adolescents Suicide rate is highest among the elderly They are at the bottom of the list for suicide threats and attempts HOWEVER at the TOP of the list for completed suicides. Most common times for suicide: –Christmas –Springtime Because of the CONTRAST between how the person feels and the outside world.
Advice for dealing with people in crisis. a.Don’t substitute authority for honest answers. b.Listen – Show love and respect even while disagreeing. c.Communication and acceptance are essential. d.Only time to “break a trust” in order to seek help.
The Elderly & Suicide Possible Reasons: a.Feeling unwanted and useless b.Physical problems c.Loss of employment d.Economic problems e.Death of others close to them –Etc.
“Suicide does not occur suddenly or unpredictably, or inevitably.” Warning Signs of Suicide 1. Suicide Attempt Don’t dismiss! They may in fact be seeking attention, but if they don’t get it, they will try again and succeed!
2. Suicide Threat – Same as an attempt, don’t dismiss this! 3. Situational Hint – Something happening either within the person or outside of the person. Precipitating factors (ranked in order) 1. poor health 2. economic distress 3. divorce 4. domestic problems 5. death of a loved one Other Hints a. a.If someone begins to give away prized possessions along with other hints. b. b.If someone who has been depressed for a long time suddenly is very happy for no apparent reason – (Why would this be a hint? What would make them suddenly happy?)
4. Family Hint Feeling responsible for family problems Family scapegoat Emotionally tied to another family member who is going through depression themselves 5. Emotional Hint Depression Little hope for a positive future Lack of energy or sexual drive Physical complaints Wanting to be alone all the time Pre-occupied with self, or putting self down Neglecting personal hygiene and appearance Poor appetite Mood Swings 6. Mental Illness -- Lowering of self-preservation instinct (not psychotic necessarily)
Other possible hints: a. Gathering of lethal weapons, collecting pills, etc. b. Making final arrangements (writing will or eulogy, etc.) c. Preoccupation with death or “dark” themes in writing, art, music, etc. – Remember: These do not necessarily represent thoughts of suicide!
How can we help someone in this situation? 1. Be aware of the warning signs 2. Maintain a relationship based on total acceptance of the person a. Listen – let them vent b. Don’t moralize or lecture them c. Accept the person, not the deed d. Concentrate on words and actions – show concern
3.Identify the source of the distress. Just like talking to terminally ill patients – let them express feelings freely. 4.Look for problem-solving resources that the person may have – i.e. How have they solved problems before? 5.Identify the person’s values – Find what is important to them (family, friends, etc.) and capitalize on that! 6.Don’t try to handle the problem alone! 7.Remove from the premises any weapons or potentially dangerous medications
What do we do in response to a suicide? 1.To those who have lost someone to suicide, be supportive. DON’T JUDGE 2.Be sincere and don’t “try too hard.” “The most meaningful way to relieve guilt is by transforming any errors of the past into more noble behavior in the future.”
Remember that suicide is a “permanent solution to a temporary problem.”
Karma or Not! Who can “judge? Is escape ever a solution? What works (or doesn't work) for life probably, won't work for death.