Revison Part three – some bits that aren’t explicitly mentioned in the spec.
I will give you some topics to revise / research But in return – I won’t go through it with you… ON YOUR OWN – if you don’t research and revise you won’t be able to answer them…
Make sure you know what these are If you don’t know what these are…Google will be your friend. CPU DNS RAM ROM HD SSD PPI
Get acquainted with these… Virtual Memory
Get acquainted with these… Cache
Get acquainted with these… Operating Systems What functions do they perform?
Get acquainted with these… DBMS
Get acquainted with these… System cleanup
Get acquainted with these… Automatic Updates
Get acquainted with these… On / off the shelf software
What laws are associated with ICT / computing… Data Protection Act Copyright Designs and Patents Health and Safety Computer misuse act There are lots of others – but these are the most often used.
Mock exam revision Copy and paste to your hearts content What do you need to revisit?
Use this powerpoint like a notebook… Copy and paste Images Text Whatever you need in order to revise Use the internet Use your folder If you need clarity… Work with a partner to set some tasks for you…
Computer / hardware Different types of memory? What’s the difference and importance of memory?
Computer / hardware Different types of secondary storage Can you describe how each types work? Can you describe their advantages and disadvantages?
Computer / hardware The different buses? Do you know what they all do? Can you explain?
Computer / hardware What is the significance of having a large address bus? Can you explain its function? Can you explain why its important?
Computer / hardware What’s inside a processor? What happens in there?
Computer / hardware What do the Registers do? What function(s) do they perform? What connection is there to the fetch, decode, execute cycle?
Software / hardware Can you comfortably explain what the operating system does? Its main functions are:
Data representation Can you explain how encryption works? Can you describe some of the methods?
Data representation Are you an idiot? Well then, you can probably explain the difference between lossy and lossless You can probably describe some methods of compression and give a run down of how they work….(think of 2 methods) ….or are you an idiot
Data representation Can you convert Hex to dec? Dec to binary? Binary to dec? Etc Get someone to set some problems for you to work out.
Computer / hardware Assembly code? Can you explain what is happening in particular instructions?
Computer / hardware Can you break assembly code apart? Can you write your own?
Data data everywhere! Can you work out transfer speeds? Do you understand what its all measured in?
Programming! What the hell is an array? What’s the difference between iteration, sequence,
Network You are aware of the differences between WAN, LAN, VPN, PAN? Could you confidently explain what they all are? Could you confidently explain their uses? Could you confidently evaluate which would be best in what situation?
Data representation Could you explain how a computer uses binary to represent images and sound? Do you understand resolution? DO you understand colour depth? DO you understand sample rate (sampling?) Do you understand bit depth? Can you describe / explain
Flowchart What symbol does what? Put the symbols on here and label it.
Some sample Keywords – tick off those which you could explain Binary boolean Transfer speed Flow chart Array Data structure Hexadecimal Denary Assembly code Processor Registers Address bus If, elif, http html Iteration Bit depth Resolution Fondle Magnetic hard disk Solid state hard disk Optical disk Memory Operating system RLE LZ Ciphers Algorithm Transistors Process Stack overflow Sign and magnitude Digitisation Sample rate Ppi Analogue digital Bus IP Address MAC address ASCII Unicode pseudocode