The united nations and the legacy of world war II ppt. Brittany Odom US history ll Due: Friday, may 3.
Background information United nations was formed after world war ll which was to maintain peace and security. The falling organization that the united nations replaced was the league nations which was to make sure the war never happened again after world war 1. The UN was formed to have peace, develop friendly relationships between nations, and better living standards and human rights.
Purpose/mission Mission statement of the UN was to save generations from the war. They also wanted to have equal rights of men and women and of nations both small and large. Their mission was to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. The main purpose as to why they came up with this was so that the nations could live together In peace with one another as good as neighbors communicate & to unite strength.
Leadership& Membership Current secretary of the united nations is Ban ki – Moon and he is the eighth secretary of the united nations. There are exactly 193 countries who are members of the UN. United nations headquarters are located on a 18 acre site on the east side of Manhattan.
General assembly General assembly is where they discuss decisions and questions about the united nations. In the general assembly each country has one vote about what they want to discuss. The general assembly provides a forum for discussion about the international issues which is covered by the charter. They discuss and make recommendations for the peaceful settlement of any situation that might make friendly relations among all the nations.
Security council Security council has a responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security. It has exactly 15 members and each member will be able to have one vote. 5 main members who are permanent are china, France, Russian federation, the united kingdom, and last but not least the united states.
International court of justice International court of justice is located in the peace palace, in the Hague, Netherlands. It is opened up to give advisory questions on legal questions. The court bases its decisions on treaties, universal principles of law, international customs, and by precedent from similar cases.
World health organization World health organization is a agency of the united states that is in concern of public health which they make sure that they help the people that is In need. It is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
UNICEF UNICEF is an agency of the united nations established in 1946 to help government improve the health and education of children and their mothers. They are working to have ZERO children die from preventable causes and that every child has a healthy and safe childhood.
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