WEB 2.0: A Network of Possibilities Blair Inabinet
Welcome to WEB 2.0 On your postcard, please answer the following, and put the card on the front table. Feel free to take a yellow hand- out! What is Web 2.0? (Feel free to put “???”) On a scale of 1-5 (1 least, 5 greatest), how often do you use Web 2.0? What do you MOST hope to get out of this session?
What in the World Wide Web is “Web 2.0”? Any tool that is: Web-based Interactive User-specific And may be used to: Explore Adapt Modify Organize Present Designed to: Engage and Stimulate Promote collaboration Match learning goals with product possibilities
Why in world would I jump on this bandwagon? NOT a bandwagon Effective for engaging today’s learners Educate and/or entertain Learning Styles Product Preferences Adaptable and versatile SMART technology friendly Differentiation’s newest best friend
Well, then why in the world would she be using PowerPoint??? Unreliable & inconsistent Technology requirements/hidden fees Use for use’s sake “Bells & Whistles” obscure authentic assessment
So how can I use Web 2.0? Exploring Pinterest Teacher Tube Organizing Bubbl.us, Gliffy Online Bookmarking (Diigo, Delicious)
Other avenues for Web 2.0: Presenting Stupeflix, Animoto Reflecting Tumblr, Blogger Word Clouds (Wordle, Tagxedo)
The best of the best… Some of my top picks: Weebly Edmodo/Moodle Glogster Tagxedo Museum Box Pinterest Animoto
Specifically SCIENCE & MATH Explore Learning (Gizmos) Google SketchUp MyExperiment Skoool Celestia FreezeRay BioInteractive Lab “Virtual” + younameit…
Other great sites to know Digital Learning Environments: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms Outstanding Science Web 2.0 Tools Web 2.0: Cool Tools for School An all-encompassing list of the best of Web 2.0, neatly organized by type of tool Edudemic’s Top 100 2011’s Top 100 Web 2.0 Tools, as recommended by fellow educators Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators: Web 2.0 Education Guru Schrock’s Top Picks
What could you do TOMORROW in your classroom? PREPARE Teacher/Student Sites or Electronic Portfolios on Weebly or Wix ACTIVATE Display a word cloud made using Wordle or Tagxedo and ask students to predict the day’s topic SUMMARIZE Voki or Go!Animate to explain class lesson to absent student
More, please… VOCABULARY Animoto to create movies of real world application of terms Prezi or ExploraTree to represent the connections among vocabulary used so far this year LAB DATA Wall Wisher to post initial observations among group members Google Docs/MyExperiment to prepare report
Helpful Hints Know your goals. Research options. MAJORITY OF WORK IS DONE IN ADVANCE Always inquire about educator codes/discounts Go for it! Reflect and RECORD!
Logistics of Web 2.0 Unequal access to technology resources requires that we get creative. Plan (VS create) Beg & Borrow Submitting student work requires a plan Electronic Portfolios = Excellent Option!
Student Weebly Site/EP
Student Work Samples Glogster embedded on EP Wix
Other Student Examples ANIMOTOTAGXEDO
Your personal favorites?
Feel free to contact us! Brooka Hutcheson Robin Loden Telfair County High School Telfair County Public Schools Blair Inabinet Youth Middle School Walton County Public Schools