Word Segments List 2
Prefixes Ab-/abs- away, from Abduct, abnormal
Prefixes Ad- to, toward Adjoin adjacent
Prefixes Im-/in- not Imperfect Impolite impossible
Roots Ami-/amic- love Amiable Amicable
Roots Aud- sound Audible auditorium
Roots Gram-/graph- To write or draw, writing, printing Telegram biography
Roots Chron- time Chronological Chronicle
Roots Grad-/gress- To step Graduate Progress
Roots Hydr(o)- water Dehydrate Hydraulics
Roots Mut- change Mutate Mutability
Roots Terr(a)- Earth, ground Subterranean Terrestrial
Suffixes -er/-or One who does Teacher Counselor
Suffixes -ologist One who studies Zoologist Biologist
Suffixes -ology Study of Biology Zoology