NEED TO KNOW 2 CREDITS 2 CREDITS PRE-REQ: UHL 2322 (TECHNICAL WRITING) PRE-REQ: UHL 2322 (TECHNICAL WRITING) 100% COURSEWORK 100% COURSEWORK SYNOPSIS: SYNOPSIS: 2 Mastering skills of writing academic report Emphasis on : Writing the purpose and objectives Writing literature review Exposure on data collection Analysing and presenting data Drawing Conclusion and Practical recommendations Oral presentation skills- NEED TO KNOW
Chapter 1 : Unit 1 Introduction to Course Overview of Report Writing Unit 2 Topic Selection (Week 1) 3
UNIT 3: Week 2 Writing Chapter One – Background of study, Statement of Problem, etc Week 3-5 Week 3-5 Review of Literature Review of Literature Information literacy, synthesis writing APA style in referencing- Week 4- Information Literacy Quiz Week 4- Information Literacy Quiz Week 5 -Submission of proposal/ Proposal Presentation Week 5 -Submission of proposal/ Proposal Presentation /4 Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 :
WEEK 6-7 WEEK 6-7 Methodology-Data collection methods, designing instruments for data collection Methodology-Data collection methods, designing instruments for data collection Week 8 Week 8 Writing Drafts of Chapters 1,2 3 (Introduction, Literature Review and Methodology ) Writing Drafts of Chapters 1,2 3 (Introduction, Literature Review and Methodology ) Assessment 3(30%) Assessment 3(30%) (Submission of Chapters 1,2 and 3) (Submission of Chapters 1,2 and 3) 5 Chapter 3 :
(Week 9&10) (Week 9&10) Findings and discussion Findings and discussion Analysing and interpreting data Analysing and interpreting data Writing findings and discussion Writing findings and discussion Writing drafts of chapters 1,2,3 Writing drafts of chapters 1,2,3 Submission of Chapter 1,2,&3 Submission of Chapter 1,2,&3 (Week 10&11) Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions and Recommendations 6 Chapter 4 : Chapter 5 :
Week 11 Writing style for abstract Writing style for abstract Do’s and Don’t for oral presentation Do’s and Don’t for oral presentation Writing final report Writing final report Consultation for final report Consultation for final report 7 Week 13 : Week 11 : Week 12 : Writing Final Report Week 13 : Consultation
Assessment: Report Presentation(20%) Assessment: Report Presentation(20%) Submission of final report (20%) Submission of final report (20%) 8 Week 14 :
ASSESSMENT Assessment 1:10% - Information Literacy Assessment 1:10% - Information Literacy Quiz (week 4) Quiz (week 4) Assessment 2: 20%- Proposal of Study & Assessment 2: 20%- Proposal of Study & Presentation (Week 5) Presentation (Week 5) Assessment 3:30%- Chapters 1,2 &3 Assessment 3:30%- Chapters 1,2 &3 Week 8 Week 8 Assessment 4 : 20% -Report Presentation Assessment 4 : 20% -Report Presentation Week 14 Week 14 Assessment 5: 20 %- Final Report- Week 14 Assessment 5: 20 %- Final Report- Week Assessments :10
ACADEMIC RULES ATTENDANCE/ ABSENTEEISM ATTENDANCE/ ABSENTEEISM 100% 100% Mc Mc Authorised letters Authorised letters PUNCTUALITY PUNCTUALITY ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT Teachers will not entertain arrangements other than the ones scheduled. (Except for genuine cases, such as death, MC from university clinic – oversleeping is not a genuine case) Teachers will not entertain arrangements other than the ones scheduled. (Except for genuine cases, such as death, MC from university clinic – oversleeping is not a genuine case) PARTICIPATION IN CLASS PARTICIPATION IN CLASS Ask questions Ask questions Contribute to group work Contribute to group work No contribution, there will be no marks awarded to team member No contribution, there will be no marks awarded to team member PLAGIARISM PLAGIARISM Serious offense Serious offense Zero will be given to assignment/work with plagiarised materials Zero will be given to assignment/work with plagiarised materials 10
LANGUAGE LABS RULES USE OF LANGUAGE LABS USE OF LANGUAGE LABS Do not enter the labs without the presence of your teacher Do not enter the labs without the presence of your teacher Shoes are allowed in the lab Shoes are allowed in the lab Chairs pushed in after use Chairs pushed in after use Adhere to all lab rules Adhere to all lab rules USE OF COMPUTERS IN CLASS USE OF COMPUTERS IN CLASS No chatting No chatting No games No games No downloads No downloads 11