1 JOHN Chapter 02:01-03 THAT WE MAY NOT SIN I.INTRODUCTION A. We are in 1 John chapter 2 1. John has a lot to say about missing Jesus’!
2. Intentional sin messes up our walk with the Lord. 3. 1John 1:8 4. 1John 1:10 a) 1John 1:9 (1) Chapter 2: II.1JOHN 2:1
A.John is calling Christians, “his little children”! 1.. He was 100 years old. B.J. Vernon McGee says: 1. John talking about new born babes in Christ.
2. Writing “so they may sin not”! a) John saying, so that they “may not” sin. b) In chapter one and two tied together! C.And John says:
1. The Father provided an “advocate”. a) What Webster’s has to say: (1) One that pleads the cause of another (2) one that defends or maintains a cause (3) one that supports another
(a) In other words, because we are sinners (i) That is Jesus! (ii) Sin is a choice. (iii) Our Father has not left us without hope. (iv) R. A. Torey puts it: (a) The next verse: III.1JOHN 2:2
A.Another 5 dollar Christian word! Propitiation. 1. Back to Webster’s: a) 1: act of propitiating b) 2: something that propitiates; an atoning sacrifice (1) Sins have been paid for!
(2) John 10:9-11 (3) “Jesus Christ paid a debt he didn’t owe.” (4) Isaiah 53:2b-6 (a) This is almost unbearable! (b) When we get the impact it changes us! (c) He allowed His Son to step up in our place.
(d) Every blow was because he loves us! (i) Without a word against His accusers! (ii) Get the meaning then the rest of what John has to say. (a) Fail to get it – the rest won’t make sense.
IV.CONCLUSION A.1John 2:3 1. John used word “now” to set up this sentence? a) He is saying: b) In case you DO sin – you have an Advocate… c) Verse 6
(1) A real Christian does what the Lord asks. (2) Their life lines up with character of Christ! (a) 1John 2:6. (b) This is falling in love! (c) When 2 people are in love – it is obvious. (i) So it is with one who is in love with Jesus.