When To Round When the question asks: – “Estimate how many…” – “About how many…” – Can you think of anymore?
The Rounding Poem Find your number Look right next door 4 or less, just ignore 5+ add one more
Round the number to the nearest place *Find the number 6 7 Test Our Poem *Look right next door 10’s
Round the number to the nearest 10’s place 6 7 *4 or less just ignore Test Our Poem (Is next door less than 4? No? Lets go to our next line of our poem) Is 7<4?
+ 1 ____ Round the number to the nearest 10’s place *5+ add one more 6 7 Test Our Poem More than 5 7
Round the number to the nearest 10’s place Everything after the rounded number becomes a “0” ___ Finishing Up 7 07
rounded to the nearest 10’s place is 70
Let’s Practice 8 3 Round the number to the nearest 10’s place Don’t forget the Poem TRY IT ON YOUR OWN FIRST
Round the number to the nearest 10’s place 8 3 *Find the number The 8 is in the 10’s place *Look right next door
Round the number to the nearest 10’s place 8 3 *4 or less just ignore 3 < 4 (3 is less than 4) So… When we round the number after becomes “0” Right??? 8 0
Let’s do some MORE! Round the number to the nearest 10’s place *3. 4 or less just ignore *1. Find the number *2. Look Right next door Lets ignore it, and change the “2” to a “0” 05 6
Practice on your own paper Round to the nearest 10’s place
W a y t o G o !
Let’s Try Some More! Say the Poem (in your head) and try again.
Round to the nearest 10’s Place
Round to the nearest 10’s Place
Round to the nearest 10’s Place
Round to the nearest 10’s Place
Round to the nearest 10’s Place