Phylum – Porifera The Sponges - Bio 11 GaDVk&list=PLCDD86548EAE20102
Taxonomy AnimaliaKingdom – Animalia ParazoaSubkingdom – Parazoa (lacks tissues) PoriferaPhylum – Porifera (pores)
Characteristics oSimplest oSimplest of all animals specialized cells oContain specialized cells but no other organization level marine oMost are marine brightly colored oSaltwater sponges are brightly colored oFreshwater sponges oFreshwater sponges are small and dull green color 2 meters to 2 cm oSize – 2 meters to 2 cm
Characteristics oPorifera oPorifera means pore- bearing oWater food and oxygen oWater enters through pores bringing in food and oxygen oFilter feeders oFilter feeders on plankton oOsculum oOsculum – large opening at the top where excess water leaves
Water Flow Through the Sponge WATER IN WATER OUT Osculum
Water Flow Through Sponge
Characteristics oAsymmetrical oSessile oSessile as adults (attach to rocks) Dipleurula oFree-swimming larval stage called Dipleurula fragmentation oAlso reproduce by fragmentation (pieces break off & form a new sponge)
Sponge Body Structure hollow oInside body cavity of sponge is hollow Spongocoel oCalled the Spongocoel oHave 2 cell layers: epidermis Outer epidermis endoderm Inner endoderm mesophyll oJelly-like material between cell layers called mesophyll
Choanocytes (or collar cells)Choanocytes (or collar cells) line the gastrovascular cavity & capture food AmebocytesAmebocytes digest & distribute food
Specialized Cells ChoanocytesChoanocytes (collar cells) line inside of body cavity (spongocoel) flagellaHave flagella that spins to pull in water & food CollarplanktonCollar traps plankton (food) from water Collar
oAmebocytes: Pick up foodPick up food from choanocytes digestionFinish digestion MoveMove through the mesenchyme & take food to other cells Other Specialized Cells
Skeletal Structure of the Sponge SponginSkeleton made of network of protein fibers called Spongin SpiculesSpicules are hard spear or star- shaped structures CaCO 3 silicaSpicules made of CaCO 3 (limestone) or silica (glass)
Sponge Skeletons SPONGIN Silica Spicules Limestone Spicules
ohttp:// watch?v=RmPTM965-1chttp:// watch?v=RmPTM965-1c Let’s Take a Look
Sponge Reproduction regenerate oSponges can regenerate (regrow) lost body parts through mitotic cell division (asexual) asexually by budding oSponges also reproduce asexually by budding
Sponge Reproduction hermaphrodites oSponges are hermaphrodites (produce both eggs & sperm) Sexually releasing eggs & sperm from the Osculum oSponges reproduce Sexually by releasing eggs & sperm into the water from the Osculum oCross-fertilize oCross-fertilize each other’s eggs Sponge releasing eggs & sperm
SPONGE SEX The eggs are fertilized INSIDE the sponge’s body, in a process called INTERNAL FERTILIZATION. Sperm are released from one sponge and are carried by water curents until they enter the pores of another sponge. Amoebocytes carry the sperm to an egg. After fertilization, the zygote develops into a larva. Larva is motile until settling on ocean floor! ADD NOTES:
Surviving Harsh Conditions Gemmules o Gemmules are specialized buds made to survive harsh weather (hot or cold) food, amebocytes protective covering oContain food, amebocytes, and a protective covering of spicules sponge dies oReleased when a sponge dies dessication oResist dessication (drying out) conditions become favorable oBecome adult sponge conditions become favorable
Branching Tube Sponge
Stove Pipe Sponge
Vase Sponges
Barrel Sponges
Ball Sponges
Rope Sponges