Fingerprinting Using Computers Adrienne L. Marlow CSE 180 T/TH 11am
Topic Points n Motivation/History n How does it work n Abilities it provides n Why is it needed n Summary
Motivation/History n Forensic Science n Wanted to know how it worked n Ink n Looking for files by hand n Human error
How Does It Work? n Digitally encode n Automatic n Scanning n Computer matches n Sophisticated and intricacy
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Abilities Computer Fingerprinting Provides n Time n Accuracy n More information n Link n Speed
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Why Is Computer Fingerprinting Needed? n Evidence n Innocence n Identification n Employment or licensing
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Toolbar Information n Tin foil n White/black powder n Fluorescent n Plastic n Sticky side powder n Chemicals
Conclusion n accurate n catch criminals faster n help in court
References n Fingerprinting- An Emerging Technology mer97/security/finger.html DCS eneate.freeserv