Albinism Presented to you by : Booker and Laurence
What is Albinism? Albinism is a defect of melanin production, the body produces little or no melanin and results in very little to no pigments in hair skin and eyes. Albinism is a recessive gene.
Symptoms Although many cases of albinism are clear to see albinism is a complex disease that sometimes is not as easily detected. Absence of color in the hair, skin or iris of the eye and or crossed eyes are all symtoms on the disease. Regardless of the effect of albinism on appearance, all people with the disorder experience vision impairments.
Type of Mutation Albinism is caused by several mutations in a few genes. In most types of albinism, a person must inherit two copies of a mutated gene one from each parent in order to have albinism. If a person has only one copy, then he or she won't have the disorder. Making Albinism a very rare disorder.
Treatments Sadly for people with Albinism there is no cure. However there are ways to treat/deal with this disorder. Some Treatments : –Include involving protecting the skin and eyes from sun because of how sensitive those parts are. –Ways this can be done are completely covering up and wearing a high sun protection factor.
Incidences Albanism is a rare occurance in people and in animals a recent statistic by the federal department of health says: One person in 17,000 has some type of albinism There are 10 different types of albinism and five types of ocular albinism.
Limitations on Life Recently the show True Life Had an episode of “I have Albinism” It was clear to see through these peopls journeys how much more difficult life can be.