N OVEMBER 2, 2015 Learning Target: I can monitor and chart my November STAR score. I can use my teacher given strategy to help improve my scaled score. Students will be taking their November STAR test in class and chart their results. Students will continue to monitor their reading and assess their reading goal they wrote at the beginning of the year. Students will discuss their goal and reading strategy with a partner. If finished with STAR test students will read their independent reading book and work on their reading strategy.
N OVEMBER 4, 2015 Learning Target: I can identify indefinite and definite articles. I can identify pronouns, nouns, and demonstratives used as adjectives. I can identify the difference between the following types of adjectives: demonstrative, interrogative, and indefinite. I can chart my reading progress and discuss the impact of my monthly reading strategy with my partner. We will cover pages in the Writing Coach book. Students will chart their STAR scores and discuss the impact of their reading strategy on their score. Grammar practice: Practice pg. 333 # 1-20 even pg. 336 # 1-20 even pg. 337 # 1-20 even
N OVEMBER 5, 2015 Learning Target: I can use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. I can distinguish between adverbs and adjectives. Adverbs and Adjectives Video to help students understand today's concepts. We will cover pg Students will practice by completing pg. 341 #1-20 even formative assessment Finding adverbs verse adjectives in the sentence. pg complete practice pg. 344 # 1-20 even formative assessment
N OVEMBER 16, 2015 Learning Target: I can learn about the literary terms for literature by filling in my chart definitions, examples, and pictures. Students will use the literature book to find definitions and examples of the listed literary terms that they need to know for 7th grade. Students will fill in a chart and study daily as they will be tested over the vocabulary.
N OVEMBER 18, 2015 Learning Target: I can create a circle map demonstrating research I found about London 1800s. Students will search for facts about economy, jobs, social classes, population, major events that occurred in London during the 1800s. We will discuss our findings as a class while we add to a classroom circle map. You can use the link on my school fusion website to get started. Mrs. Kline's School Fusion London History/Population Working Conditions and more London through the years
N OVEMBER 19, 2015 Learning Target: I can create an illustrated dictionary to increase my understanding of the vocabulary in “A Christmas Carol”
N OVEMBER 19, 2015 Take three sheets of computer paper Fold in half the long way, then cut down the center the short way Label the front cover “A Christmas Carol” vocabulary illustrated dictionary and your name. Make a line down the center of each page Put a vocabulary word and definition from the story Make an illustration to represent each word