Odyssey Books 5-8 Answers
Nausicaa Princess who helps Odysseus Calypso Goddess who keeps Odysseus prisoner for 7 years on Ogygia Alcinious King of the Phaeacians Poseidon God of sea and earthquakes; whips up a storm against Odysseus Demodocus Godlike singer of tales that sang about the Trojan War
Book 5- What made Athena angry (answer- she was angry Odysseus was still on Calypso’s island) How does Calypso defend herself? (156; lines 144-151) She says that she is the one that saved his life, loved him, took care of him, and offered to make him immortal What is the oath that Odysseus makes Calypso swear? (158; lines 197-199) He makes Calypso swear that she is not planning to harm him or cause any more problems for him How did Odysseus know where to steer his raft? (160-161; lines 297-304) He uses the stars to navigate
How was Odysseus able to make it so far across the sea without being bothered by Poseidon? (161; lines 309-320) Poseidon was visiting the Ethiopians What is Odysseus compared with when he is clinging to the rocks? (165; lines 476-478) He is compared to an octopus Who gave Odysseus the quickest release from pain and fatigue and how’d she do it? (167; 543-547) Athena closed his eyelids for sleep
Book 6- How was Athena able to talk to Nausicaa? (168; lines 23-26) She is disguised as Nausicaa’s friend To whom are Nausicaa and her attendants compared? (171; 112-120) Artemis and the daughters of Zeus What woke Odysseus? (172; lines 126-130) The girls’ screams and splashing What is Odysseus compared to as he comes out of the bushes? (172; lines 142-147) He is compared to a weathered mountain lion
What is Athena’s makeover of Odysseus compared to? (175; lines 256-258) Compared to a craftsman overlaying silver with pure gold Why does Nausicaa want Odysseus to wait outside the city? (177; 312-316) She wants Odysseus to wait outside the city because some people might accuse her of keeping company of men while she is unmarried Why did Athena not meet Odysseus face to face? (178; 361-365) She does not want her uncle, Poseidon, to be angry with her so she must be secretive in her help of Odysseus
Book 7- What did Athena do to Odysseus as he started out for the city? (180; lines 15-19) She enclosed Odysseus in a magic mist so no one would question him Who was the young girl carrying the pitcher and why is she important? (180; lines 21-25) Athena in disguised so she can help him on his way without being seen What craft are the women of Phaeacia skilled? (183; lines 124-126) weaving
What does Odysseus ask of Arete? (184; lines 179-181) He asks for speedy passage home How is Odysseus able to forget his troubles? (186; lines 250-256) He is very hungry so his belly helps him forget his troubles.
Book 8- Describe Athena’s disguise as she went through the city. (191; lines 8-9) Athena is disguised as a town crier/ herald Why did Athena pour a “shimmering grace” on Odysseus? (192; lines 20-25) So he would be welcomed by the Phaeacians as a man to respect and so he would be able to accomplish the feats they would use to test him Who is the godlike singer of tales? (192-192; lines 50-53) Demodocus (Homer)
How well did Odysseus do against the Phaeacian athletes How well did Odysseus do against the Phaeacian athletes? (197-198; lines 223 & 227-229) Odysseus threw the discus farther than any of them How did Odysseus seal the gift chest? (205; lines 500-501) He used a knot that he learned from Circe What did Odysseus ask Demodocus to sing about? (207; lines 552-558) He asked Demodocus to sing about how Odysseus sneaked into Troy using the wooden horse