By Dylan Paoli CCCAST Director of Education and Outreach
California has an incremental budget process. This means that specific agencies will request increased funding for one fiscal year based on what was allocated from the previous fiscal year. This works when we have a large budget but during any economic hardship the budget becomes a political battleground.
It takes about 18 months to plan the Budget. Negotiations between the governor’s office, agency staff, department heads, and the department of Finance take nearly a year to complete the budget. Then it is submitted to the legislature by January. Then from January till May it is reviewed by the legislature
The governor releases the May Revision which includes new spending priorities, and an updated revenue estimate. The legislature has till the constitutional deadline of June 15 to pass it with a 2/3 majority vote. Then the governor has to sign it before July 1 st, the beginning of California’s fiscal year.
Total funding for the California Community Colleges in is $7.7 billion. This is an increase of 12 percent compared to the fiscal year. With more than 2.1 million students on 113 campuses, the California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the United States.
Community Colleges receive funding based on their number of Full-time Equivalent Student (FTES). Any student taking 15 units is considered 1 FTES. FTES can be split between multiple students, meaning if one student takes 12 units and another take 12, together they account for 1.6 FTES.
California’s community colleges have a total of 1, 120,913 for credit FTES, and 68,741 non-credit FTES District receives $4,676 for credit, $2,836 for non-credit
The general fund is split between restricted and unrestricted funds. The unrestricted general fund consists of revenue received to run the basic educational program. The restricted general fund consists of revenue received for specific and limited purposes. Encroachment is the expenditure of unrestricted funds in support of a restricted program.
"Key Facts about California Community Colleges." Key Facts. California State Governement, 07 Oct Web. 09 Nov Lawrence, David G. "Budget Policy: The Cost of Diversity." California The Politics of Diversity. 6th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Print.