SFRB Application Workshop FY16 Funding Thursday, August 14 & 15 Fiesta A &B Student Union Building University of New Mexico Student Fee Review Board
AGENDA ⁻Introduction to the Board ⁻Unit Eligibility ⁻Timeline ⁻FY16 Funding ⁻Executive Summary ⁻Policy Update ⁻Funding Considerations ⁻Potential Outcomes ⁻Presenting Your Budget ⁻Communication
Student Fee Review Board ASUNM Members VOTING - Rachel Williams, ASUNM President - Earl Shank, ASUNM Chief of Staff - Brad Sedillo, ASUNM Attorney General - John Garrity, ASUNM Director of Governmental Affairs Nadia Cabrera-Mazzeo, ASUNM Senator NON-VOTING TBA
Student Fee Review Board GPSA Members VOTING - Texanna Martin, GPSA President - Wayne Thorpe, GPSA Chief of Staff NON-VOTING Matthew Rush Valentine Fisher
Student Fee Review Board Unit Eligibility ELIGIBLE UNM non-academic departments (programs, organizations and/or resources centers) INELIGIBLE Chartered student organizations that submit ASUNM Senate or GPSA Council appropriation application Organizations independent of UNM
Student Fee Review Board Timeline APPLICATION OPEN Wednesday, July 23, 2014 ( APPLICATION WORKSHOPS (MANDATORY FOR APPLICANTS) Thursday, August 14, 2014, 5-6 p.m. Fiesta A&B Friday, August 15, 2014, p.m. Fiesta A&B
Student Fee Review Board Timeline APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, September 5, PM, ASUNM Office HEARINGS Friday, October 3, 2014, 10 AM – 5 PM, Ballroom C Saturday, October 4, 2014, 10 AM – 5 PM, Ballroom C Sunday, October 5, 2014, 10 AM – 2 PM, Ballroom C
Student Fee Review Board Timeline STUDENT FORUMS Monday, October 13, 2014, 12 – 1 p.m. SUB Atrium Thursday, October 16, 2014, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. SUB Atrium DELIBERATIONS Saturday, October 25, 2014, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Cherry/Silver Sunday, October 26, 2014, 12 – 7 p.m. Cherry/Silver
Student Fee Review Board Timeline PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BLT Friday, November 14, 2014 TENTATIVE DELIBERATIONS Saturday, November 22, 2014, Noon – 5:00 PM, Cherry/Silver FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BLT Monday, December 1, 2014
Student Fee Review Board FY16 Funding Funding based on revenue (Total $ Amount) Organizations will receive a set amount Funding will not Increase/Decrease with enrollment Student Representation Voting Members: 5 (Undergraduate), 2 (Graduate) Non-Voting: 1 (Undergraduate), 2 (Graduate) Vote of Approval Supermajority: 6 of 7
Student Fee Review Board Executive Summary What? - No longer than one (1) page - Introduces your application - Captures the most important information from your application Why? - Provides the SFRB with a guide to reading your full application - Improves transparency to students and other constituents who may review SFRB materials
Student Fee Review Board FY16 Policy Updates - Policy revision passed by Policy Office - Revised timeline added - Change in Advisors - Addition of Ethics and Conflicts of Interest section > About > SFRB Policy UAP 1310 Student Fee Review Board
Student Fee Review Board SFRB Funding Considerations - Potential benefits to the entire UNM campus - Advancement of student learning - Unique need on campus - Other funding sources - Applicability to student fees - Justification of funding increase/decrease
Student Fee Review Board Potential Funding Outcome - There is no guarantee of funding - We may direct programs to more appropriate funding sources - We must consider access and affordability in its recommendations - There is no guarantee of funding - We may direct programs to more appropriate funding sources - We must consider access and affordability in its recommendations
Student Fee Review Board Presenting Your Budget - Include all funding sources (eg: Instruction & General, grants, department funding, state/federal funding, etc.) - Specify which items will be funded by SFRB -Forms A, B, C -A: Institutional and SFRB Budget -B: Increases & One-time Allocation -C: Outside Funding (new) -Presentation Guidelines included in the Application Packet - Include all funding sources (eg: Instruction & General, grants, department funding, state/federal funding, etc.) - Specify which items will be funded by SFRB -Forms A, B, C -A: Institutional and SFRB Budget -B: Increases & One-time Allocation -C: Outside Funding (new) -Presentation Guidelines included in the Application Packet
Student Fee Review Board Form A
Student Fee Review Board Form B
Student Fee Review Board Form C (new)
Student Fee Review Board Communicating with the SFRB Website: Visit or Contact the ASUNM/GPSA Offices: ASUNM President Rachel Williams, SFRB Chair Student Union Building, 1016 (505) GPSA President Texanna Martin, SFRB Vice Chair Student Union Building, 1021 (505)