Automatic Control Theory School of Automation NWPU Teaching Group of Automatic Control Theory
Automatic Control Theory Excecies(16) 4 – 9, 11, 12, 14, 15
Summary Rule 5 The asymptotes of root-locus Rule 1 The starting and ending points of the root-locus Rule 2 Number of branches, symmetry and continuity of root-locus Rule 3 Root-locus on the real axis Rule 4 Sum of the roots Rule 6 The breakaway point of root-locus Rule 7 The points where the root-locus cross the imaginary axis Rule 8 The angle of departure and the angle of arrival
§4.2 General Rules for Constructing a Root-locus ( 18 ) Example 1 The system structure diagram is shown in figure Solution. (1) ② Asymptotes : ① Root-locus on the real axis : [-0.5, 1.75] ( 1 ) Sketch the root-locus when K * = 0→∞ ; ( 2 ) Analyze the stability versus variation rule of K *. ③ Angle of departure : ④ Cross-point of imaginary axis :
§4.2 General Rules for Constructing a Root-locus ( 19 ) Solution. (2) Analysis : Open-loop stable ≠ Closed-loop stable Naegative feedback cannot always improve system performances Example 1 The system structure diagram is shown in figure ( 1 ) Sketch the root-locus when K * = 0→∞ ; ( 2 ) Analyze the stability versus variation rule of K *.
Automatic Control Theory ( Lecture 16) §4.1 The Basic Concept of Root-locus Method §4.2 General Rules for Constructing a Root-locus §4.3 Extension of Root-locus §4.4 System Analysis by Root-locus Method §4 Root-Locus Method
Automatic Control Theory ( Lecture 16) §4.3 Extension of Root-locus
§4.3 Extension of Root-locus ( 0 ) Example 2 The open-loop transfer function of a system is. Solution. (1) ② Asymptotes : ① The root-locus on real axis : [-∞,0] Sketch the root-locus a=0→∞. Determine the (s) when x=1. ③ Breakaway point : Rewritten as : ④ Intersection point with imaginary axis: §4.3.1 Parameter root-locus -- RL subjected to other parameters besides K * Construct “Substitutional open-loop transfer function ”
§4.3.1 Constant root-locus ( 1 ) Solution. (2) When ξ=1, a d =2/27 corresponding to the breakaway point d.
§4.3.1 Constant root-locus ( 2 ) Example 3 The open-loop transfer function of unity feedback system is. Solution I. ② Departure angle : ① The root-locus on real axis[-∞,-587.7], [-27.7,0] Sketch the root-locus when T=0→∞. ④ Breakaway point : Solving the roots: ③ Intersection point with imaginary axis: Rewritten as :
§4.3.1 Constant root-locus ( 3 ) Solution II. ④ Arrival angle : ① The root-locus on real axis : [-∞,-587.7], [-27.7,0] ② Breakaway point : ③ Intersection point with imaginary axis: Example 3 The open-loop transfer function of unity feedback system is. Sketch the root-locus when T=0→∞.
§4.3.1 Constant root-locus ( 4 ) Solution. ② Asymptotes : ① Root-locus on the real axis : [-∞, -2], [-1, 0] If the K * is determined., sketch root-locus with the vary of T. ③ Breakaway point : ④ Intersection point with imaginary axis : Example 4 The open-loop transfer function of unity feedback system is.
§4.3.1 Constant root-locus ( 5 ) 出射角: 渐近线: 出射角: 渐近线: Intersection point with imaginary axis : Departure angle :
§4.3 0° Root-locus ( 6 ) — Magnitude condition — A ngle condition § ° Root-locus —The root-locus of positive feedback systems
General Rule for sketching 0° Root-locus ★ Rule 5 The asymptotes of root-locus Rule 1 The starting and ending points of the root-locus Rule 2 Branch number, symmetry and continuity of root-locus ★ Rule 3 Root-locus on the real axis Rule 4 Sum of the root-locus Rule 6 The breakaway and break-in point of root-locus Rule 7 The points where the root-locus may cross the imaginary axis ★ Rule 8 Angle of departure Angle of arrival
§4.3 0° Root-locus ( 1 ) Example 5 Consider the system shown in the figure. Sketch the 0°and 180°root-locus when K * = 0→∞ Solution. ① The root-locus on real axis : [-∞, -1] ② Departure angle : ③ Breakaway point : Rewritten as : Thus : (1) 180º root-locus (2) 0º root-locus [-1, ∞]
§4.3 0° Root-locus ( 2 ) Example 6 The open-loop transfer function of system is. Sketch the 0º and 180º root-locus Solution. ③ Asymptotes : ① The root-locus on real axis : [-3, -1] ② Departure angle : (1) Sketch 180º root-locus
§4.3 0° Root-locus ( 3 ) Solution. ④ Asymptotes : ① The root-locus on real axis : [-∞,-3], [-1, ∞] ② Departure angle : (2) Sketch 0º root-locus ③ Breakaway point : Thus :
§4.3 0° Root-locus ( 4 ) 0º root-locus Asymptotes : Departure angle : Dem o
Summary §4.3 Extension of Root-locus §4.3.1 Constant root-locus — Constructing substitutinal open-loop transfer function § °Root-locus — T he 3 rules different from 180º root-locus.
Automatic Control Theory Exercise (15) 4 — 9,11,12,14,15
Automatic Control Theory The relativity of root-locus 利用 Matlab 说明