Metropolitan State College Of Denver Introduction to Metadata Modeling Mentoring 04/14/2011
Topics Ground Rules Cognos Connection (the Studios) Metadata Models Process Flow Importing Metadata Preparing Metadata Create/Publish Packages (of Metadata) SQL Types & Minimized SQL Shortcuts Reporting Traps
Ground Rules Ask Questions! Weds: 9 – 4 (lunch: 12-1) Ask Questions! Help Shape the Training Introductions
Cognos Connection Cognos portal to all managed content (reports, analysis, queries, etc.) Run/View reports Create new queries Create new reports Create new analysis’
Metadata Models Metadata is “data about data” Ensures predictable results Prevents runaway queries Provides logical view of underlying data structures Operational vs. Reporting (star schema) –Operational: Normalized, optimized for writing –Reporting: Denormalized, optimized for reading
The SGHE Model One file split into a –Data View –Business View Holds ALL reporting areas If Customizing, create separate namespaces, for upgrade path. Let’s take a look
Metadata Models OperationalReporting
Process Flow
Framework Manager –Create Project File – New Create Database View namespace Create Business View namespace –Import Metadata Right-click Business View namespace – Run Metadata Wizard Select your objects –Prepare Metadata Create your joins Build your Business View –Create Packages Right-click Packages – Create – Package (name Training_ ) –Publish Packages Right-click Training_ in Packages – Publish Package Query Studio
Import Metadata Metadata Wizard Pay attention as your instructor demonstrates this part of the process. We will be importing the following tables from ODS: TELEPHONE_CURRENT PERSON_DETAIL INTERNET_ADDRESS_CURRENT Try and do this on your own.
Preparing Metadata Creating Joins Pay attention as your instructor demonstrates this part of the process. We will be creating the joins within the imported tables: Person Detail.PERSON_UID = Telephone Current.ENTITY_UID Person Detail.PERSON_UID = Internet Address Current.ENTITY_UID Try and do this on your own.
Preparing Metadata Establishing the Business View Pay attention as your instructor demonstrates this part of the process. We will be creating custom query subjects with logical names for the imported tables. Try and do this on your own.
Preparing Metadata Create a Calculation Let’s discuss the various calculations that are common within the tables we have imported. Pay attention as your instructor demonstrates the creation of this calculation. Try and do this on your own.
Create/Publish Packages What are packages? Why do we need packages? Pay attention as your instructor demonstrates the process of creating and publishing a package. Try and do this on your own. Please make sure you name your package based on the convention: Training_.
SQL Types Cognos SQL Pros –improves query subject performance by removing unused elements at run time. –works with any supported database Cons –non-standard SQL not supported Native SQL Pros –performance is optimized across all related query subjects –You can use SQL that is specific to your database Cons –only SQL that your database supports will work –may not be portable to another database Pass-Through SQL Pros –you can use any SQL supported by the database Cons –FM cannot optimize –may not be portable to another database
Shortcuts Two types of shortcuts: –Regular a simple reference to the original object –Alias like a copy of the original object, with it’s own properties and behavior often used to resolve circular joins
Reporting Traps Transitive Relationships (Circular Relationship) –Cognos query engine uncertain of correct path –Resolve by creating shortcuts
Reporting Traps Connection Traps –Critical join potentially missing –Resolve by creating shortcuts and establishing all joins
Reporting Traps Ambiguous Joins –Typical with fact tables with multiple date fields –Resolve by creating shortcuts and naming appropriately