Learning of Coordination of a Quad-Rotors Team for the Construction of Multiple Structures. Sérgio Ronaldo Barros dos Santos. Supervisor: Cairo Lúcio Nascimento Júnior.
Objective Present a solution for the learning of non-linear path tracking controllers for a quad-rotor using Reinforcement Learning. Propose a learning method of the coordinating the movements of a quad-rotors Team to build multiple truss-like structures cooperatively. 1
Overview The system is composed by: A team with three quad-rotors; Each quad-rotor is constituted by a decentralized low level controller and a collision avoidance algorithm implemented on-board. A set of parts (beams and columns) of truss-like structures equipped with magnetic nodes. 2
Overview A task planner based on Reinforcement Learning used to coordinate the team of quad-rotors during the building of a target structure. A vision system used to get the real-time pose estimation of the quad-rotors, parts and also the assembly points. 3
First Stage: Low Level Controllers Implement a control algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning that can adapt well to different flight conditions, such that the aircraft is able to track a defined trajectory. It is taken into account during the training phase. - Different trajectories; - The transport of loads; - The presence of wind effects. 4
First Stage: Low Level Controllers 5
The controllers are derived off-line using the non-linear X-Plane model and Learning algorithm. Immediately after the controllers are ported to an actual aircraft using the Real Time Workshop and Quarc Design. The experimental results were submitted to the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 6
Second Stage: Task Planner Learning a set of optimal actions for each quad-rotor, such that the target structure can be built cooperatively. The assembly plan will be learned off-line through a simulator. The obtained solutions will be validated experimentally. The learned assembly plan should be able to place parts without result in deadlock conditions. The structure must be dynamically stable during the assembly. 7
Second Stage: Task Planner To avoid collisions, the quad-rotors should satisfy a minimum distance condition among them while execute their maneuvers. The system must allow several quad-rotors to pick up parts simultaneously from a supply bins. 8
Second Stage: Task Planner 9
Possible optimization conditions. - Minimize the total cost of construction; - Minimize the time of construction of the structure, taking into account the limitations of the quad-rotor actuators; - Maximize the operation time of the quad-rotors through the minimization of energy consumption. 10
Thank You ! 11