The Civil War Unit 1-2: Course of the Civil War The Battle of Bull Run was a sound Confederate victory. The South won many of the early battles of the war
John Brown and Harpers Ferry The radical abolitionist John Brown tried to start a slave uprising in 1859 He raided a federal armory, and thought slaves would revolt so he could supply them with guns They did not revolt and John Brown was caught and hung for treason EFFECT?: the south considers the north to be radically against slavery, and will never stop trying to ban it.
John Brown (left): led a raid on the federal armory
Advantages and Disadvantages: The Union (North) Advantages: – More manpower, soldiers – More industry to produce supplies (uniforms, guns and ammo) – Better transportation and communication systems Railroads Telegraph – Stronger navy North can blockade the South via the “Anaconda Plan” and choke the life out of the Southern economy and Confederate Army Disadvantages: – Had to invade and conquer the Confederacy (South) – Had poor leadership (generals) for much of the war
Advantages and Disadvantages: The Confederacy (South) Advantages: – Good leadership (Generals Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, James Longstreet) – Motivated to fight defensive war on home turf/natural born fighters and horsemen Disadvantages: – Less men – Very little industry – Very little communication and transportation networks – Virtually no navy
Key Battles 1.Fort Sumter: opening shots of the Civil War fired on army base in Charleston harbor 2.Siege of Vicksburg: Union troops capture key city guarding Mississippi River, cut off supplies to Confederacy from the West 3.Battle of Gettysburg: Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia defeated, Confederacy begins to decline – Lincoln issues famous Gettysburg Address, the following Fall 4.Appomattox Courthouse: Lee surrenders to Grant
Comprehension check On your own sheet, answer in paragraph form the following YOU DO NOT have to copy the question: – Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South. What southern advantage, and northern disadvantage, do you think allowed the South to hold out for so long?