Anne Burgard
Job Description/Overview Examining individuals with impairment, functional limitation, and disability or other health related conditions in order to determine a diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention. Alleviating impairment and functional limitation by designing, implementing, and modifying therapeutic interventions. Preventing injury, impairment, functional limitation, and disability, including the promotion and maintenance of fitness, health, and quality of life in people of all ages.
Wages Physical therapists saw mean annual wages of $71,520 in 2007, according to the BLS. Mean hourly wages were $ Those working in home health care services saw slightly higher earnings, at $79,300.
Skills & Abilities Listen to others, understand, and ask questions. Analyze ideas and use logic to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Motivate, develop, and direct people as they work.
Outlook An aging population will increase the number of people with conditions that require therapy. Medical advances will make it possible to save the lives of babies with birth defects. People are becoming more interested in promoting health.
Knowledge Knowledge of injuries, illnesses, and defects. Also includes the knowledge of setting up a plan for treatment. Knowledge of the effect of diseases and injuries. Knowledge of how to give advice on social or personal problems. Also includes the knowledge of setting up a plan for treatment.
Helpful High School Courses Anatomy, Health Education and Computer Education are some helpful course to take in high school.
Physical Demands Move two or more limbs together (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while remaining in place. Speak clearly so listeners can understand, and understand the speech of another person. Be physically active for long periods without getting tired or out of breath.
Work Activities Create individualized treatment programs for patients. Programs help patients maintain, improve, and restore functions. Test and measure patients' strength, posture, balance, muscle function, and range of motion. Identify problems and a diagnosis. Examine patients and record findings. Review findings to identify problems and determine a diagnosis.