January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 1 ILC – NI/FNAL/ANL Brief overview of Global Design Effort (GDE) plans, dates, and organization: –Changes since Industrial Forum –Slides 2-7 courtesy of Barry Barish Control perspective –In support of Reference Design Report Argonne and Fermilab are interested Plus others SLAC, DESY, etc –In support of R&D work Argonne is committed to R&D work for the global group effort directly Fermilab is commited in Main Linac R&D which requires LLRF control systems, plus supporting controls and interfaces (eg, cryo, MPS)
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 2 Global Design Effort –The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 3 Approach to ILC R&D Program Proposal-driven R&D in support of the baseline design. –Technical developments, demonstration experiments, industrialization, etc. Proposal-driven R&D in support of alternatives to the baseline –Proposals for potential improvements to the baseline, resources required, time scale, etc. Develop a prioritized DETECTOR R&D program aimed at technical developments needed to reach combined design performance goals
The GDE Plan and Schedule Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt LHC Physics
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 5 Area Systems e- sourcee+ source Damping RingsRTML Main LinacBDS KurikiGao E.S. Kim Hayano Yamamoto (MDI Ch) ???Guiducci PT Lilje Angal- Kalinin BrachmannSheppardWolski Adolphsen Solyak Seryi
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 6 Technical Systems Vacuum systemsSuetsuguMichelatoNoonan Magnet systemsSugaharaBINP ??Thompkins CryomoduleOhuchiPaganiCarter Cavity PackageSaitoProchPadamsee RF PowerFukudaSaclay ??Larsen InstrumentationUrakawaBurrowsRoss Dumps and CollimatorsKEK ?? Accelerator PhysicsKuboSchulte?? Global Systems Commissioning, Operations & ReliabilityTerunumaElsenHimel Control SystemMichizonoSimrockCarwardine CryogenicsHosoyamaTavianPeterson CF&SEnomotoBaldyKuchler InstallationShidaraBialwons??
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 7 How and when to involve industry? Large Scale Project Characterization –Large Project Management –Precision Engineering –International Coordination –Costing Industrialization –Civil Construction & Infrastructure –Cryogenics –Superconducting RF structures, couplers, etc –Electronics and Control Systems –Large Scale Computing
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 8 Controls Global Group Major immediate milestones –Complete requirements gathering exercise by March 11th. –Complete first draft costing and RDR write-up by July 18th. Major challenges –Master Timing and RF distribution –High Availabilty Overall machine availability at 85% –Fast Feedback/Feed forward –Global operations R&D –ATCA Evaluations –Diagnostic Interface Layer modeled after Intelligent Platform Management (IPM)
January 9, 2006 Margaret Votava 9 Controls for Main Linac R&D FNAL collaborating with DESY, LBL, SNS, UPenn –Local test beam needs to interface to local subsystems Several test stand/beam areas setup at Fermilab to test various Linac components. All will need LLRF. –LLRF controls has several ongoing R&D efforts DESY Developed board(s) SNS developed board Commercial electronics –Can be used as testbed for Controls Global group R&D? Process control –Subsystems have a heterogeneous mix of control systems: Doocs, Epics, MATLAB, Labview, ACNET –Interfacing them altogether has not been seamless.