The Origins of Sociology Chapter 1 Part II
A Perfect Society Using the blank top section in your notes, list all of the aspects you think would have to be present in order to create a perfect society
Sociological Imagination Why will Jane make 77 cents on the dollar? Why will Juan have to go to a community college? Why will John be laid off at 55 and not able to find another job? It’s not a personal problem, it’s a public issue
In the Beginning Since the beginning of time, brilliant thinkers have questioned the nature of society Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, St. Thomas Aquinas, Christine de Pizan, & William Shakespeare Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, St. Thomas Aquinas, Christine de Pizan, & William Shakespeare They never viewed matters with a sociological perspective, but rather presented an idea of what the perfect society should look like They never viewed matters with a sociological perspective, but rather presented an idea of what the perfect society should look like Sociology was born when philosophers made their goal to understand how society actually operates Auguste Comte ( ) the French social thinker who is believed to be the founder of sociology Auguste Comte ( ) the French social thinker who is believed to be the founder of sociology
Comte’s Human Progress Theory Comte believed the key to understanding society was to look at it scientifically, which might seem logical to us, but the world has hasn’t always been scientific Theological Stage (Beginning to Middle Ages) Theological Stage (Beginning to Middle Ages) Metaphysical Stage (Renaissance) Metaphysical Stage (Renaissance) Scientific Stage Scientific Stage Use the same approach that was used to study the physical world to study society Comte was a positivist & believed that society operates according to certain laws, just as the physical world operates according to gravity & other laws of nature Since Comte’s time, we have discovered humans are imaginative & spontaneous & therefore can’t be explained by any rigid laws of society
Causes of the New Science of Sociology A new industrial economy By the end of the 18 th century, inventors created new sources of energy, which would operate machines By the end of the 18 th century, inventors created new sources of energy, which would operate machines Machines gave birth to factories Machines gave birth to factories What changes resulted from this? What changes resulted from this?Urbanization People moved to cities for jobs People moved to cities for jobs What problems came with urbanization? What problems came with urbanization? Political Change Rulers use to claim divine right, but people no longer feel morally obligated to remain loyal to their rulers Rulers use to claim divine right, but people no longer feel morally obligated to remain loyal to their rulers Now they focus on individual rights Now they focus on individual rights
Response to the New Social Order Auguste Comte Feared that people would feel uprooted and overwhelmed by change Feared that people would feel uprooted and overwhelmed by change He took a conservative turn, seeking to shore up the family and traditional morality He took a conservative turn, seeking to shore up the family and traditional morality Karl Marx Worried little about the loss of tradition Worried little about the loss of tradition Was concerned with the survival of the fittest Was concerned with the survival of the fittest Both believed that society rests on more than individual choice people’s individual lives reflect the broader society in which they live
The Contribution of Women Harriet Martineau Translated Comte’s work from French into English Translated Comte’s work from French into English Revealed the evils of slavery and argued for laws to protect factory workers and to advance the standing of women Revealed the evils of slavery and argued for laws to protect factory workers and to advance the standing of women Jane Addams Spoke on behalf of immigrants Spoke on behalf of immigrants Founded the Hull House, which provided assistance to immigrant families Founded the Hull House, which provided assistance to immigrant families Received the Nobel Peace prize in 1931 for her work with immigrants Received the Nobel Peace prize in 1931 for her work with immigrants