Traumatic Injuries: Spinal Cord Injuries KNR 270
SPINAL CORD INJURIES Any injury or insult to the spinal cord that results in impairment of motor or sensory function Permanent or temporary Traumatic or congenital Complete Incomplete
SCI LEVEL OF INJURY Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral C1, C2, T1, T5, etc Paraplegia Quadriplegia
ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Tremors, spasms Sensory deficit Temperature control Decubitus ulcer Bowel & bladder control Psychological problems
Considerations/Accommodations Accessibility Signs to show accessible entrances Adaptations/modifications Knowledge of wheelchairs Folding, pushing, etc. Accessible transportation Transfers
Considerations/Accommodations Eye level Don’t lean on wheelchair Provide water/blankets to heat/cool Encourage not sitting one way for a long period of time Others???