Correlation of Rate of Penetration to Geometric Attributes AASPI Joseph Snyder* and Kurt J. Marfurt, University of Oklahoma Summary In this analysis, the rate of penetration for 31 vertical wells in Northern Oklahoma was examined. The rate of penetration for these wells was studied in the Mississippi Lime. Geometric attributes were created and then compared to the rate of penetration. Introduction Drilling operations are a large percentage of the total cost of a well. The time it takes to drill a well is dependent on the rate of penetration, or the amount of time it takes to drill a certain distance. Time dependent drilling costs will increase as the time it takes to drill the well increases. That being said, the faster the well can be drilled-or the higher the rate of penetration-the lower the overall well cost. The rate of penetration for a given well is known to vary based on factors such as compressive and shear strength of the rock, bit type, formation type, drilling fluid, clay content, etc. (Bourgoyne et al., 1986). Our goal in this study, however, was to map the rate of penetration and then correlate it with geometric attributes based on seismic data. In the future, we also plan to correlate with seismic inversion and geostatistics to predict the rate of penetration for a new well. Application Acknowledgements Thanks to Chesapeake Energy for providing the data All sponsors of the AASPI consortium Colleagues and AASPI members for continuous assistance and suggestions Conclusions and Moving Forward Higher rate of penetration may be related to areas with a lower coherent energy. Higher negative principal curvature values may be associated with a higher rate of penetration. Integrate the horizontal wells into the model. Preform seismic inversion and make correlations with rate of penetration. Utilize geostatistics to improve the rate of penetration model. References Bourgoyne et al., 1986, Applied Drilling Engineering: Society of Petroleum Engineers For communication: Figure 1. Example of a rate of penetration curve. The Meyer F 1-27A Well is one of the wells looked at in this study. The curve shows that the rate of penetration generally increases with depth for this example. Note the top and bottom of the zone of interest. Figure 2. Map of the state of Oklahoma showing a general location of the examined vertical wells. The area of interest is denoted by the crimson square in the northern portion of the state. Figure 3. Rate of penetration map for the area of interest in the Mississippi Lime. The average rate of penetration values for the interval are displayed next to each well. The cooler colors indicate lower rates of penetration, whereas the warmer colors indicate higher rates of penetration. Figure 4. Coherent Energy map for the area of interest in the Mississippi Lime. The darker colors represent the areas of lower energy and the lighter colors represent areas of higher energy. Wells with a higher rate of penetration seem to be in areas with lower energy. Figure 5. Most Negative Principal Curvature (K 2 ) map for the area of interest in the Mississippi Lime. The blue is associated with a lower negative curvature, whereas the red areas are associated with higher negative curvature values. The higher rate of penetration values seem to be in the red areas (higher negative curvature).