Teacher in Residence September 8, 2008 WELCOME!!! WELCOME!!! Please sign-in on the front table and take a name tag. Update your information on the spreadsheet. Turn in homework. Please sign-in on the front table and take a name tag. Update your information on the spreadsheet. Turn in homework. WARM-UP: Write down any management successes and/or challenges you would like to discuss tonight! WARM-UP: Write down any management successes and/or challenges you would like to discuss tonight!
Welcome to Fall Semester!!! TiR Agenda- Sept. 8, 2008 IceBreaker (Relationship Building) Debrief Warm-up: Management Successes and Challenges TiR overview BREAK Lesson Plan template Teacher Standards/Observation Form Closure and Homework
Tonight’s Objectives Candidates will discuss strategies for effective classroom management to be able to create an effective learning environment. Candidates will know the TiR program to be able to successfully fulfill requirements for licensure. Candidates will know members of the cohort group to be able to develop a support system Candidates will know components of short term lesson planning to be able to plan lessons for the students.
ICEBREAKER….. Interviews Find someone who has the same birthday month (or within a month) Each partner take 5 minutes to interview the other Limit your questions to 5 or 6
Questions to ask… Ask obvious questions: name, grade they teach, where they teach, their background, etc Ask them to think of a teacher they remember from their childhood and describe what made them a “good” teacher or a “bad” teacher
Introductions Please introduce your partner to the class Keep them to 1-2 minutes if possible
Management Debrief At your tables, please discuss management successes and challenges from the first few weeks of school. Help each other out by sharing your own experiences, but make sure everyone gets a chance to speak.
Debrief Any comments, concerns or themes from each table?
TiR OVERVIEW CLASS PROCEDURES Homework Folder Sign-in Review Agenda if you will not be in class Break – approx 7:00-7:20 pm TiR notebook Parking – Park on east side Doors are locked at 6:00 pm – Don’t prop doors open
The Road to Licensure Take a moment to read the “Road to Licensure” in your agenda packet (from the bottom to the top) Questions and/or Concerns?
Texts We Will Use Required Texts: You have- –“The First Days of School” by Harry Wong –“Pathways to Understanding” by Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman –“Tools for Teaching” by Fred Jones We will give you- - “Teaching/Reading Sourcebook” by Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn - “Teaching Reading in the 21st Century” by Calfee, Wilson, Graves - “Pathways to Understanding”
Grading Criteria A= met all requirements and expectations on time as assigned B= met all requirements and expectations with few timeline modifications C= met all requirements and expectations with multiple timeline modifications F=met few requirements and expectations We will work with you to get assignments in on time!
Contact Hours Per Colorado state law, you are required to have 100 contact hours this year: 50 with your district provided MENTOR 8 with your evaluating administrator 42 with your TiR instructor
Mentor Log/Mentor Night As per district and state requirements, you will need to log the hours you meet with your mentors. There is a log in your agenda packet. Please invite your mentor to the TiR MENTOR NIGHT on Monday, October 13!!!!! This is an encouraged event for them and we really want to meet them!
Classroom Visits I need your class schedules Observations about every 3-4 weeks Introducing me to your class Teacher Performance Standards Observation/Coaching forms Pre-conference via Post-conference via –I will ask you to respond when you receive your coaching form…
Electronic Expectations if you will not be in class Communicate with me as needs arise!!!! Please respond to my s if I am asking you a question! Download and print weekly agenda. Cell phone use/texting during class
Lesson Plan Template Questions Did it help? Feedback from lesson you have already taught
HOMEWORK Read the article “Let Kids Come First” and complete the P-M-I handout in your agenda packet: Due September 15 Class schedules: Due September 15 Curriculum Map for the Semester found in your agenda packet: Due Sept. 22
Closure and Ticket out the Door Review objectives Before you leave, please turn in assignments in your homework folder Do you have sub/emergency folder/plans? On a sticky note, write your name and any “Aha’s” you received tonight or anything you still need from me.