What is “It’s Clear”? An organizational guide to help you write a clear paragraph Focuses primarily on how to organize ideas
It’s CLEAR It’s CLEAR – Organizing a Paragraph I : Indent TS : Topic Sentence L C/L : Context / Lead into the evidence E : Evidence A : Analyze (and explain) how the evidence proves the topic sentence to be true. R : wRap-up the paragraph
Prompt: What is your opinion of the city Guadalajara, Mexico?
Topic Sentence Topic Sentence: – Answers the prompt with clear, sophisticated thoughtfulness. – Serves as the main idea of the paragraph. Example: – The beauty of Guadalajara, Mexico is apparent through the rich musical traditions of mariachi music.
Context Context: – Give the reader necessary background information so that they will understand the upcoming example. Example: – Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico, is one of the more modern cities in Mexico. However, over the years the people of Guadalajara have managed to stay rooted in beautiful Mexican culture and Guadalajara is still recognized as the birthplace of mariachi music.
Lead-in Lead-in: (often used with a direct quotation) Lead-in: (often used with a direct quotation) – Transition into your evidence. – Prevents you from “dropping” a quotation right into the paragraph. – May not be necessary if you are not using a direct quote. Example: – According to scientists, “____”. – For example - *“According to New York Public Media,…”
Evidence (or example) Evidence (or example): – A specific quote or example from an accredited source that proves your topic sentence to be true. Example: – According to ______ ….mariachi music is “the passionate music that is the beating heart of the Mexican people.” Every year Guadalajara holds a ten day festival where more than 500 mariachis come to perform.
Analysis Analysis: – In your own words, directly explain to the reader (and analyze) how your evidence proves your point. Example: – It is clear that this festival demonstrates the prevalence and importance of mariachi music in Guadalajara. The music experienced in this festival highlights the radiance of the city. The unique style of mariachi music displays both passion and romance. Just listening to the sound of a mariachi band not only makes one fall in love with the artistry of the mariachis but with the radiance of the city where this music was once born, the city of Guadalajara.
wRap-Up wRap-Up: – Provide the reader with some closure. – Refer back to the topic sentence. Example: – Most certainly, the passion of mariachi music demonstrates the incredible beauty of the city of Guadalajara.
Look at the Graphic Organizer You’ll need to come up with your topic sentence first (see the left column) and insert it here. After you determine your stance, find your evidence and insert it here. Then follow the guidelines and number system on the left to complete the paragraph structure.