A S CIENTIST I S B ORN He is known for being one of the smartest people that ever lived and for having wild and crazy hair. His discoveries and theories led to TV and the atomic bomb. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany. When he was in elementary school his teachers were very strict. He was not allowed to ask questions. He had a sister named Maja. (MA-ha) Albert and his family moved to Italy after Albert's life in elementary school. Albert married 2 women.(1 st -Mlivra, 2 nd -Elsa) He played piano and violin. He was a very peaceful man. Whenever he saw soldiers he would get scared. Sometimes he would even run. In 1931, Adolf Hitler declared Albert a spy and put out a death warrant for him.
E= MC ² Albert’s most famous scientific formula is E=MC 2. This formula explains the conversion of atoms to energy. It is very simple, it is as easy as 2+2=4. That is why it is so brilliant. E stands for energy. M stands for mass. Mass is the amount of matter in something. Mass is a little bit like weight. The 3 rd letter is C. That stands for the speed of light. Light travels really really fast. (Ever try to outrun it?)
T HE T HEORY OF R ELATIVITY In 1905 Albert wrote a paper on “relativity” His theory of relativity said that the speed of a moving object depends on how it’s being viewed. For example, a moving plane does not appear to be going very fast up in the sky. But if you were right next to the plane, it would ZOOM right past you much faster.
T HE A TOMIC B OMB In World War II, Japan joined forces with Germany and Italy. Albert wanted to do anything he could to stop the German army. (Nazis) (pronounced Not-zi) Albert helped the U.S build the atomic bomb which was dropped on two Japanese cities: Hiroshima (90,000 people were killed) Nagasaki (80,000 people were killed) Japan soon surrendered and the war came to an end. Later in Albert’s life, he felt really bad about those deaths and tried to get the world from using atomic bombs anymore.