MPD concept, structure & plans V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV, Dubna 1 11 September 2009
2 The MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) is proposed for a study of hot and dense baryonic matter in collisions of heavy ions over mass range A=1-197 at a centre-of-mass energy √s NN = 4-11 GeV ( +79 Au). The MPD experiment is foreseen to be carried out at a future JINR accelerator complex facility NICA which is designed for averaged luminosity L = cm -2 s September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV Introduction
Main goal – search for mixed phase and critical end-point 3 Proposed tasks Yield & spectra of particles (charged, neutrals, strange / multi ) Study of the K/π (strangeness to entropy) ratio Anisotropic collective flow Femtoscopy (momentum correlations) e-m probes P (CP) - asymmetry Other studies with MPD Dense cold matter at NICA 11 September 2009 V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV11 September 2009
4 Physics motivation LE-RHIC scan LE-RHIC scan NICA energy range NICA energy range 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, RF Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS, Ukraine Nuclear Physics Institute of MSU, RF Institute Theoretical & Experimental Physics, RF St.Petersburg State University, RF Institute of Applied Physics, AS, Moldova Institute for Nuclear Research & Nuclear Energy BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkov, Ukraine State Enterprise Scientific & Technology Research Institute for Apparatus construction, Kharkov, Ukraine Particle Physics Center of Belarusian State University 5 Members of the Collaboration JINR ~ 100 Other institutes 39 Institutions JINR 10 institutes from 5 countries The Collaboration is permanently growing New members – are welcome 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV MPD Collaboration
6 Progress of the MPD project preparation The first MPD concept was presented in LoI issued in February it is now modified The first version of MPD CDR was issued in June 2009 Now the version 0.6 is available It will be developed until ~ mid of September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV Editorial board Golovatyuk V. Kekelidze V. Madigozhin D. Murin Yu. Nikitin V. Rogachevsky O. Toneev V. Referee board Gorbunov N. Kolesnikov V. Meshkov I. Olchevski A. Potrebenikov Yu. Topilin N. Tyapkin I. Zanevsky Yu.
7 CDR preparation Responsibilities Physics coordination - Sisakian A., Sorin A., Toneev V. Technical coordinator - Golovatyuk V. Software, MC & tracking coordinator- Rogachevsky O. 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV Kolesnikov V.I. Krumshtein Z.V. Lednicky R. Lokhtin I.P. Malinina L.V. Musulmanbekov G.J. Murin Yu.A. Nikitin V.A. Olchevski A.G. Stavinskiy A.V. Toneev V.D. Tyapkin I.A. Main contributors to the physics tasks
8 Subdetector groups TPC - Yu.Zanevski et. al. ECal - I.Tyapkin, A.Olchevsky TOF- V.Golovatyuk Straw wheels- V.Peshekhonov ZCal - A.Kurepin CPC- Yu.Kiryushin FFD- V.Yurevich BBC- R.Zulkarneev DAQ- V.Slepnev, S.Bazylev IT- Yu.Murin, V.Nikitin 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV The CBM-MPD STS consortium … in IT silicon module development is well progressing
9 Charge multiplicity distribution in central Au-Au collisions 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
10 Geant-4 simulation Au-Au collision at 9 GeV/n for three regions of pseudorapidity |η| < < η < 2.65 η > September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV Particle momenta in the MPD
11 The detector to explore phase diagram of strongly interacting matter in a high track multiplicity environment has to cover a phase space: |η|<2, p = GeV/c be functional at high interaction rates (several kHz), comprise high efficiency & good particle identification capabilities based on the recent detector developments to be of reasonable cost. Requirements to the Detector 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
MPD general view Central Detector - CD & two Forward Spectrometers (optional) – FS-A & FS-B September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
11 September V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV CD dimension
11 September V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV TPC ECal ZDC TOF RPC EC Tracker MPD scheme 3 stages of putting into operation 2-nd stage IT,EC-subdetectors 3-d stage F-spectrometers (optional ?) 1-st stage barrel part (TPC, Ecal, TOF) + ZDC, BBC, S-SC, …
CD η-regions 11 September V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
CD parts in η-regions 11 September V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
TPC new approach 17 New electronics providing the rate of ~ 6 kHz Max transparency (low X 0) of end cap structure Spatial resolution σz = 1 mm, σx = 0.6 mm 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
TPC: Read-Out electronics requirement and design September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
Conceptual layout of IT September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV Strip pitch = 100 mkm Stereo angle = 15 0 provides σ xy = 23μm and σ z =120 μm
Neutral kaon & hyperon detection September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV Neutral kaon & Lambda decays invariant mass reconstruction V 0 reconstruction
Particle identification TPC using ionization TPC (ionization) & TPC+TOF (mass reconstruction) September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
New design of straw wheels September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
23 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV ECAL – “ shashlyk” type modules with APD readout
Cathode pad chamber tracker September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV based on Rochacell 31HF foam
Integration and services September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
Installation sequence & support structure Solenoid + ECal ECal Solenoid + ECal +TOF Solenoid + ECal +TOF+TPC 26 rails 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
CD assembly completed (without IT) Rails Solenoid ECa l TOF September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV TPC
Timetable of the MPD works 28 the first colliding beams for MPD is expected in September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
The version 0.6 of CDR is available MPD main features (advantages) The CDR development is continued R&D activity is in progress The MPD Collaboration is growing Summary capability to work at high luminosity high rate of event recording hermeticity - towards 4 geometry smooth scan in - relevant energy region - A-number - b-parameter September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV
30 “The one who knows his limits never fails...”...From the book "Dao De Jing" (author Lao Tzu)... VI-V century BC Thank you! 11 September 2009V.Kekelidze, Round Table IV