TGC On-Line Monitoring
Status for 1 beam Before LHC Startup on TomBox: A single machine (pc-tgc-mon-rod-01) receives all TGC events (via gigabit switch connected to 24 RODS). GNAM Segment: is implemented & stable (currently, single). SHIFTER Histograms: 2 types for each side & sector (strips or wires). “X” axis is the same for both. Each bin corresponds to a single detector in a running numbering: 0->156 (2)sides*(4)wheels*(2||3)layers*(18||22)units = 156 (see structure)see structure More detailed EXPERT Histograms OHP: See the SHIFTER Histograms See the SHIFTER Histograms xml configuration file for both standalone / combined runs. “X” axis requires a translation to the exact unit - need to add a graphical mask to each SHIFTER Histogram. DQMF: Not completely implemented – will certainly not be until 10.9
side A side C r φ Layer (strip/wire) sector: 1/12 of a wheel 12 Wheel Barrel TGCInteractionpoint μ μ
Strips Wires
Plans for 900GeV collisions Make TGC DQMF operational… Define COOL flags for combined runs