Types of Maps Political Map Shows borders between countries or areas of different governing bodies Physical Map Shows physical features such as mountain ranges, rivers, or any other physical feature It may also contain political borders, but not always
Thematic Map A map made to reflect a particular theme about a geographic area. Thematic maps can portray Physical Social Political Cultural Economic Sociological Agricultural Any other aspects of a city, state, region, nation , or continent.
Population Density
Population density in Africa, 2000
Average Annual Precipitation
World Map view from a satellite in space at night
Cartogram A map in which some thematic mapping variable – such as access to clean water or gross national product – is substituted for land area. The geometry or space of the map is distorted in order to convey the information of this alternate variable.
WORLD WEALTH MAP 2002 World Wealth map 2002 Purchasing power is a measure of what can be bought in the territory in which that money is earned. It is cheaper to live in some places than others. Taking differences in local costs into consideration, this map shows that 46% of world wealth adjusted for purchasing power is in North America and Western Europe. The regions with the most purchasing power per person are North America, Japan and Western Europe. Despite the lower prices found in Central Africa, the people living there still have the lowest purchasing power. The proportion of world wealth found in Central Africa is greater when measured in purchasing power than when measured using exchange rates. WORLD WEALTH MAP 2002