SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 SESSION 6, Item 17: Capacity Building and Country Engagement Status Overview of 3-Year Work Plan Tasks and Outcomes SDCG-9: Frascati, February, 2016
SDCG 3-Year Work Plan Reminder - SDCG 3-Year Work Plan has four work streams: – Baseline Global Observation Strategy Leads: E Fosnight, FM Seifert – GFOI Space Data Services Leads: B Killough, S Ward, G Dyke – Space Data Support to GFOI Research and Development Leads: N Fujimoto, A Rosenqvist, FM Seifert – And… GFOI Component Coordination and Country Engagement – This Session – Leads: GFOI Office, S Ward, G Dyke, S Wilson, with FAO With GFOI Office in transition, little progress made within SDCG on this work stream 2
SDCG 3-Year Work Plan For the SDCG Work Plan, three outcomes were envisioned: 15. Delivery of a coherent customer experience for GFOI countries Limited Coordinated Progress 16. Space data support and services provided to all priority countries Limited Coordinated Progress – need to work on the strategy 17. Effective management of country interfaces Limited Coordinated Progress 3
Customer Experience 15. Delivery of a coherent customer experience for GFOI countries Proposed 2016 Outcome (same as 2015) – Coordinated plan for providing the most efficient provision of GFOI deliverables to countries – developed by the Space Data, MGD and Capacity Building Component Leads
Priority Countries 16. Space data support and services provided to all priority countries Proposed 2016 Outcome (same as 2015) – FAO and SilvaCarbon will help define the priority countries for GFOI support and deliverables
Interfaces 17. Effective management of country interfaces Proposed 2016 Outcome (same as 2015) – Development of simple Excel-based database for internal SDCG purposes (review status) – Establish modus operandi in collaboration with FAO and GFOI Lead Team for country engagement
Session Discussion The aims of discussion are to: – Agree whether these overall outcomes need to be revised (probably) – Agree 2016 outcomes – Agree first steps towards achieving outcomes
Agenda TopicPresenterDuration Session Overview - Status Overview of 3-Year Work Plan Tasks and Outcomes S Wilson10 GFOI Office UpdateT Harvey10 JAXA-JICA CollaborationM Shimada10 Joint Discussion with Sylvia Wilson / CB component - Sylvia to advise on FAO and country involvement in this session - GFOI Leads country engagement priorities All (S Ward moderator)30