Outline Solution Solubility Concentration Solvation Real world gas solubility Real world liquid solubility Real world solid solubility
Solution Solute – gets dissolved Solvent – does the dissolving Solution – Finished product
Solubility Soluble – will dissolve in the stated solvent Insoluble – will not dissolve in the state substance Example: DDT is fat- soluble, but it is water- insoluble. Precipitate – Insoluble solid formed in some reactions
Concentration Measure of how much solute is dissolved in a specific amount of solvent. Percent Concentration Molarity Parts per million
Solvation Process of surrounding solute particles with solvent particles to form a solution. If there is a greater solute–solute than solute-solvent attraction, it will not dissolve. If solute-solvent is greater, then it will dissolve.
Real World Gas Solubility Oxygen dissolves in water so that sea creatures can breathe. Carbon Dioxide is dissolved in water to create carbonated water, a major ingredient in soda.
Real World Liquid Solubility Easier to wash dishes because dish soap dissolves in water. Soap dissolves in water, fat does not dissolve in water. Fat does dissolve in water-soap solution, and therefore we can clean dishes
Real World Solid Solubility Using the different reactivities of various metals we can get pure metals from ores. Zinc is more reactive than gold, which is more valuable. We can use Zinc to react with Au 2 O 3 in solution and get pure gold metal.