ROBERT PIGGOTT C.E. JUNIOR SCHOOL UFTON COURT TRIP Monday 25 th April – Wednesday 27 th April
STAFFING -Mrs Stewart -Miss Foster -Mr Bevan -Plus two other members of staff to be confirmed.
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE FORMS -EV2 -Medication -Allergies -Please return forms to the school office ASAP. * Deposit of £50 to be paid by Friday 29 th January
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE WHAT TO TAKE TO UFTON COURT: -Please refer to children’s kit list in your packs. -No electrical personal items to be brought on the trip. -Cameras are allowed – disposable cameras recommended. -Teddy also recommended. -Pocket money – suggested amount £5. -Do not pack any food or sweets (special requirements discussed with Mrs Stewart prior to the trip).
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE MONDAY 25 th APRIL – ARRIVAL DAY Arrive at school as normal but in sensible clothes Give all medicines to specified adult (need to be labelled and in a bag) 9.30 am leave by coach am arrive at Ufton Court Welcome by Ufton Court Staff - health and safety talk Activities Lunch Activities 6.00 pm Dinner Activities Talks and wind down before getting ready for bed
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE ACTIVITIES DURING THE THREE DAYS An exploration of the grounds - Finding clues about the past around Ufton Court. Historical photo mapping - Historical orienteering using maps, photos and questions. Bushcraft - A range of survival skills including rope and knot challenges and shelter building. Blind trail - Trust your friend to guide you blindfolded in the woods. Woodland teambuilding - Teambuilding using our woodland adventure course and wild communication games such as gutterball and bomb disposal. Exploration of the historical Tudor house - Finding priest holes etc.
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE FINAL DAY – GOING HOME 7.30am wake up call, tidy rooms and pack bags 8.15am breakfast and bags down to the hall Activities Lunch Lost property and souvenirs 2.00pm depart by coach to school Arrive at school by 3.00pm
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS: The rooms will be organised before we leave. The children will be told on arrival about their room allocations. Each child will be asked to give names of a couple of children they would like to share with and they will be guaranteed to be sharing with at least one of their preferences. Room sizes vary from rooms of 4, rooms of 6, rooms of 8 and a room of 12. Room allocations are decided by the school.
UFTON COURT - YEAR FIVE BEHAVIOUR: Respect for the old house Visit each others rooms only if all parties agree and only at agreed times Other schools may visit while we are staying No eating in rooms Politeness to members of staff and other adults Mealtime routines Listen to instructions at all times- own safety Although we are not at school, we expect the same high standard of behaviour.