05 | Xamarin Forms, kódosztási technikák Farkas Bálint | Technical Evangelist | Microsoft
Xamarin.Forms bevezetés –Mi ez? –Követelmények Xamarin.Forms vezérlőelemek Kódosztási technikák –Portable Class Library-k –MVVM –Dependency Injection Heritage Properties Xamarin.Forms alapokon Xamarin.Forms Custom Renderer-ek Module Overview
Xamarin.Forms bevezetés
What is Xamarin.Forms?
Portable Class Library
Portable Class Library or Shared Project C# Platform Specific Shared C# Interface Code (Xamarin.Forms) Shared C# App Logic (ViewModels, Models etc)
Requires iOS 6.1+ Requires Android 4.0+ Requires WP8.0+ (Silverlight) WinRT previewben
Xamarin.Forms vezérlőelemek
Xamarin.Forms 1.Pages 2.Layouts 3.Views 4.Cells
Xamarin.Forms - Pages UIViewController Activity Page
Xamarin.Forms - Layouts
Xamarin.Forms - Views
Xamarin.Forms - Cells
Xamarin.Forms DataBinding Engine
DEMO Intro to Xamarin.Forms
Code Sharing – Portable Class Libraries
Portable Class Libraries Portable Class Library project template in Visual Studio 2012/2013 (except Express) –C# or Visual Basic –Good for creating a cross-platform.dll with pure business logic –Only managed code –Single codebase for Windows, Silverlight, Windows Phone, or Xbox –Only shared assemblies are available for use (mostly restricted to System namespaces) –Limited, but provides portable, modular, and encapsulated code
Portable Class Library One Source One Project One Binary Multiple Platforms
Portable Class Libraries Limits Platform Specific OS Functions Storage (no file I/O access) Alerts MessageBox GPS
Shared Projects #ifdef parancsokkal targetált kód Build időben hozzámásolódik a szülőprojekthez és azzal együtt fordul (ellentétben a PCL-lel, ami önálló DLL, így nem tudja, honnan van bereferálva)
Code Sharing – MVVM, Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection
Container Dependency Injection Register Concrete Type PCL Locator Type1 : IType1 Type2 : IType2 Register ViewModel ViewModel IType2
Using Dependency Injection namespace HeritageProperties.PCL { public interface IGpsService { Task GetLocation(); }
public partial class LocationService : IGpsService { CLLocationManager manager = new CLLocationManager(); public Task GetLocation() { manager.StartUpdatingLocation(); return Task.Run(() => { var ret = new Location(); // code omitted for space // return the location return ret; }); }
SimpleIoc.Default.Register (); public MainViewModel(IGpsService gps) { this.GpsService = gps; }
ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance ();
DEMO Implementing Heritage Properties for Android, iOS and Windows using Xamarin.Forms
Maps & Custom Renderers
// register the iGpsService for iOS SimpleIoc.Default.Register (); public MainViewModel(IGpsService gps, HeritagePropertyService service, INavigation navigation) { } Xamarin.Forms – Custom Renderers
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MapRenderer2), typeof(MapRenderer2Android))] public class MapRenderer2 : Map { } map = new MapRenderer2() { IsShowingUser = true, HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; Xamarin.Forms – Custom Renderers
Xamarin.Forms – Messaging Custom Renderer Custom Renderer (PCL) Send Message To Invoke Method Send Message To Notify of Event
DEMO Implementing Custom Renders For Maps
Xamarin.Forms intró –Mi ez? –Követelmények Xamarin.Forms vezérlőelemek Kódosztási technikák –Portable Class Library-k –MVVM –Dependency Injection Heritage Properties Xamarin.Forms alapokon Xamarin.Forms Custom Renderer-ek Module Recap
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