Problem Statement What is the effect of height above ground of the attraction of birds to a feeder?
Hypothesis I think that birds would like the highest bird feeder the best because since they stay up high in trees they might not won”t to go near the ground.
Materials The materials are two bird feeders,bird feed,and a place to hang the bird feeders.
Procedures First you get two identical bird feeders. Then you pour the same amount of bird feed in the bird feeder. Next you hang one bird feeder higher than the other and one lower than the other. Last your ready to record data about how much bird feed the bids ate daily. You need to make sure your bird feeders look the same and have the same amount of bird feed in them before you do the project.
Conclusion My hypothesis was correct. I think the reason why it was correct was because since the birds like staying high up on a tree they probably found the birdfeeder that was high up in the tree first.