Non-medical use of X-Ray and X-Ray CT Saltman (Saltmen 1-6) Jalal Jalal Shokouhi – M.D. Secretary of iranian society of radiology Radiologist, Neuroradiologist, Head & neck imaging & Archeology radiology
X-ray detection of fractures of saltman number 1 & 4
Non-medical use of X-Ray and X-Ray CT Industrial:Industrial: Oil and petroleum search and extraction (Oil stone biopsy) Oil and petroleum search and extraction (Oil stone biopsy) CAD-CAM CAD-CAM Museum:Museum: A. Art: ceramics, paintings, artefacts, metals A. Art: ceramics, paintings, artefacts, metals B. Archeology: Saltman,soapman,iceman,mummies B. Archeology: Saltman,soapman,iceman,mummies
You know iceman? Anybody knows soapmen? Nobody knows saltmen except me!
Walnut Knives Stone for shooting Some filaments Stone for sharpening