Ambria 3/15/12 Computer#28 The Ladybug Journey
There once was a ladybug who had no friends because he lied about everything he did. And they didn’t want to be his friend any more. Hey you down there you look lost do u need help? Clip art
No I’m just sad because none of my friends want to talk to me any more ill be your friend and you can meet my friends too they're really nice
Hey guys this is my new friend Hey what is your name Hey my name is Pat what is yours My name is buzz
So how did you and buzz meet Well I saw him walking and he looked sad so when I went down to got see what was wrong with him he told me he had no friends Sorry that happene d to you but you have new friends now thanks
Bibliography clipartCartooncottage,,teddy bear, 3/13/12, clipartPhillipmartin,firefly 3/13/12 cartooncottage,grasshopper animations graphics 3/13/ Music: free play music,, 4/4/12 Clipart, ladybug,4/4/12