2005/05/25 Virtual Reality Report 1 Chapter 7 The Virtual Reality Experience Part1 Page:381~389 R 彭詩淵電機所控制組碩一
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report2 Outline Immersion -Physical-Mental The Role of Realism in Immersion Components of Immersion Object Permanence Levels of Immersion
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report3 Immersion-Physical ► Is it important? ► How can we accomplish it?
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report4 Immersion-Mental ► Key role in the experience ’ s fulfillment ► A mark of how successful the communication of a virtual world is. ► What is its advantage?
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report5 The Role of Realism in Immersion Two schools of thought -First: [Astheimer et al.1994] -Second: [Slater and Usoh 1994] (Researchs that Psychologists already have done [Rothbaum et al.1996] ) Stereoscopic display
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report6 Components of Immersion Definition of mental immersion: Participant is engaged to the point of suspending disbelief in what they are experiencing. Components: Point of view( first person), mental fulfillment, interactivity, display quality( resolution, frame rate, sample rate) sensory coverage The most important factor is: Latency
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report7 Object Permanence ► People learn this concept for 18 months when are young children. ► The addition of multiple senses corroborating the existence of an object.( such as sound and touch) ► A project has been carried out at the University of North Carolina.
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report8 Object Permanence
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report9 Levels of Immersion ► Slater and Usoh [1994] measured “presence” in the two ways. ► Different people will have different sense.
2005/05/25Virtual Reality Report10 Conclusion ► Immersion plays an important role in your design. If you make it better, your design will let the participants gain a wonderful experience in the virtual reality environment.