UNDP ‘s Biodiversity Programme and Support for GTRP Thimphu Agenda Nik Sekhran Head : Biodiversity & Ecosystem Programme Energy and Environment Group
Biodiversity Framework – MainstreamingProtected AreasEBA/EBM
Plight of Tiger – tip of iceberg US$ 10 billion wildlife trade industry Fast economic growth in consumer countries, Expanding volume and product range are expanding. E.g. lion bones have become a commodity for their use in traditional medicine Lion population from 200,000 to 17,000-30,000
The Landscape Approach: a mosaic of land uses that depends on and enhances biodiversity and climate resilience restricted use area protected area certified production forest multicropping soil conservation protected area certified production forest multiple use agroforestry protected area low input agriculture
Support for Thimphu Agenda Cross fertilisation of lessons on landscape approach Strengthening of frontlines – Malaysia, Myanmar etc. Payment for watershed services Valuation of the PA system / tiger landscape to make the economic case Financing planning and implementation Capacity building, knowledge/skill development for PA, landscape mgt, sus. financing development