Group Members Tevin Walker Deidre Brown
Objectives Define the term HYDROELECTIC ENERGY To identify the use/importance of this energy source To explain the process of harnessing hydroelectric energy To view and explain a diagram of the hydroelectric plant To discuss the environmental impacts associated with this energy source
Hydroelectric Energy Hydroelectric power, or hydroelectricity, is generated by the force of falling water. Or It is the water that is stored behind a dam/ reservoirs that can be used to generate electricity.
How does it work? Water is needed to run a hydroelectric power generating unit. The role of the turbine is to transform the energy of water, steam or wind into mechanical energy that will make the generator spin. The generator transforms the mechanical energy into electricity. In hydropower plants, this combination of generator and turbine is called a generating unit.
The water is held behind a dam, forming an artificial lake, or reservoir. The force of the water being released from the reservoir through the dam spins the blades of a giant turbine. The turbine is connected to the generator that makes electricity as it spins. After passing through the turbine, the water flows back into the river on the other side of the dam.
The importance/use of Hydroelectric Energy Hydropower represents 19% of total electricity production. Reliable public and industrial water source In the Carolinas: Cooling water supply for fossil and nuclear fueled power plants creation of in-lake fish/wildlife habitat Secondary waste treatment due to in-lake processes - Biochemical processes occurring in hydro reservoirs provide additional treatment opportunities for pollutants entering the reservoirs from their watersheds.
Ability to reduce flood effects – High water management is often a forgotten, but very real benefit provided by larger hydro reservoirs. Since hydro owners don’t want to frequently spill their fuel supply, most have developed target lake level operating ranges that can store substantial amounts of precipitation and runoff, thus reducing impacts to property and human safety hazards up and downstream..
By using modern weather forecasting tech- nology, hydro owners with large reservoirs will often generate around the clock prior to arrival of major storm fronts in an effort to provide additional high water protection
Voltage Support - Hydro units can be operated as synchronous condensers to increase reactive power on the grid.
The Environmental Impacts OF hydroelectric energy The power plants are very expensive to construct,take in considerations the wind turbines of the generating unit. Seeing that the dams/reserviors store water, it may lead to water shortage in communities etc.
The reservoir of water for hydroelectric power releases a large amount of carbon dioxide and methane. The plants and trees in them start rotting and decompose by other method without the use of oxygen. So this type of decomposition dumps a great amount of methane and carbon dioxide which increase pollution.
As the hydroelectric power is produced by the water which depend on the yearly rain falls so only those areas can use this method which receives a good amount of rainfall water because this method needs a huge reservoir of water.
Making dams on rivers affect the amount, quality and temperature of water that flow in streams which has drastic effects on agriculture and drinking water
The water while flowing through the dam collects nitrogen which can damage and also kills fish. They can also damage the reproduction of fishes thus eliminating the whole species of fishes.
Diagram of Hydroelectric Energy
Diagram of the Generating Unit
Question & Answers How does the hydroelectric plant work? What is a generating unit? How is electricity generated? True or false, the hydroelectric energy source has both advantages & disadvantages as it regards to the agriculture aspect? If yes explain why....