Troy Cassata
What is Team Domination About We are a group of mainly gamers. We usually get together to enjoy at once to play an online game. Some members bring in skills that others don’t have like computer programming or image creating. Troy Cassata2
Team Domination’s History Team Domination has been around for six years now. We have always been online gamers. We have many people with gaming skills. We like to do scrimmages with other internet teams out there to test our skill and for entertainment. We plan on continuing what we are doing for as long as we can. You can view our page at Team DominationTeam Domination Troy Cassata3
Team Domination’s History Continued The game we played the most was Aliens Vs. Predator 2. The reason why we left that game though was because we got tired of it. Troy Cassata4
What Team Domination Requires 1. We mainly look for skilled players. 2. Personality plays a big important role. 3. You have to be active on the games and our forum. 4. Other skills are great to have like Photo Shop skills. Troy Cassata5
What Games We Play/Played Aliens Vs. Predator (Avp) AvP 2 Half Life 2 Halo Battle Field Team Fortress 2 Troy Cassata6
What Our Stats Record Visit our stats page Troy Cassata7 Weapon Usage Kills Activity Over all Rank
Stats Continued Our stats also record daily awards. Daily awards are great because it keeps people active. Most of the time people want to defend their daily title frequently. Troy Cassata8
List of Some Members NamePosition DominatorImage Editor/Movie Designer AnnihilatorOrganizer Liquid SnakeServer Admin/Image Designer ObliteratorWeb Designer StobbinSpray Designer AxCellImage Designer Boba FettMovie Designer Hental1tyRadio Host DesioukastServer Admin Kenyan Bee TheifSteals bees from kenyans Troy Cassata9
Image of Our MOTD Page In Game Troy Cassata10
What’s Best About TD The friends you make The good times spent online out of your normal life The competition Best of all, the comedy that comes along with us! Troy Cassata11
Overall If you are a serious gamer. Easy going type of person. Mature and well being. Highly skilled. Have Unique abilities Troy Cassata12 Press F10