The Bees are Back by: Sofia
Why bees are alive… Bees breath air Bees hatch Bees eat Bees grow Bees die
Bee diagram
3 types of bees Drone Worker Queen
Queen Bee The queen bee is the biggest bee in every hive. The queen bee is the only bee that can lay the eggs. She lays 50,00eggs a day. If 2 queen bees are in one colony they will fight till death.
bees These are different pictures of bees !
Did you know what’s the buzz about bees The buzz about bees is called CCD colony collapse disorder. CCD is when a bug gets in to the exoskeleton of the bee and they get an disease. CCD also kills the bees and then we start to lose the them. So that’s the buzz about bees.
Busy bees This is a picture of bees working in their hive. These bees are working their magic and making honey ! These bees go and make the honey all by them self and give it to us to eat!
I’m glad we have bees 1. They pollinate fruit for us 2.They make honey for us 3.They pollinate flowers
What if we did not have bees We would not have fruits We would not have flowers There will be no honey No pollinating So now you know why we need bees
Bee hive This bee hive may not bee real but bee hives are so important. They are so Important because we would not have bees unless we have bee hives.
Drone bee A drone bee dose his work not for himself but for his fellow bees.
Worker bee The worker bee goes and finds food then goes back to the hive and tells the other bees.
credits Bee keeper/ Jimmy chalmers Morgue file Ducksters