By: Anne Meyer Class: CRE Instructor: Mrs. Salsedo Date: November 28, 2011
Source: pregnancy/
Two-thirds of teen mothers fail to complete a high school diploma. Teen fathers generally end up with less total schooling than men who become fathers later in their life. Girls born to teen parents are at increased risk for becoming teen mothers. 750,000 teenagers get pregnant annually. More than 2/3 of all teenagers who get pregnant will not graduate from high school. Teen pregnancy costs the U.S. at least $7 billion annually. Source:
Health issues – inadequate prenatal care Fearing people’s reactions Depression Anger Not knowing who the father is Abortion or adoption Premature babies Source:
This cartoon is becoming the new “norm” amongst young girls these days. Teen pregnancy is still an epidemic in the United States. The young girl in this cartoon is shown pregnant and heading to school; the young man behind her is pushing his youngster in the stroller as he heads to school. The creator of this cartoon, I believe, trying to depict how despite teen pregnancy, with all the assistance available to teens with regards to furthering education, more teens are choosing to stay in school, or return to school. Source: ctory/t/teen_pregnancy.asp
Teen pregnancy is unfortunately not a top goal youngsters want to “achieve”. But, more and more teens rely heavily on social media and peers to learn about sex and the potential negative results rather than those who truly care about them – parents and other trusting adults.
Sex education Abstinence only education Family planning services for sexually active teenagers Comprehensive programming which combines components of education, access to contraception, and attention from community media or active parent group Youth development program Source: tions/papers/teen_birth_rates_falling.htm
The good news is that teen birth rates have dropped by almost a third since the beginning of the 1990s. With pregnancy prevention programs and more understanding and teaching about safe teen sex, this number will hopefully drop even more. Here are a few other statistics that hopefully point to even better prevention rates in the years to come: teen sex In 2002 the abortion rate among teenager mother was 50 percent lower than its high point in Among black teenagers, the pregnancy rate dropped around 40 percent since Among Hispanic teenagers the pregnancy rate dropped around 19 percent since Among white teenagers, the pregnancy rate dropped around 34 percent since Source: pregnancy-statistics
glamorizing-teen-pregnancy/ glamorizing-teen-pregnancy/ y.asp y.asp cy%2ostatistics cy%2ostatistics _birth_rates_falling.htm _birth_rates_falling.htm statistics statistics youth-group/ (first slide ultrasound picture) youth-group/