Chapter 7 Toes and Foot
Foot 3 Parts –____________ – 14 bones –Metatarsals – 5 bones –____________ – 7 bones
Digits of the Foot 1 st Digit ____________ –2 phalanges __________ Proximal 2 nd – 5 th digits –3 phalanges __________ Middle _________
Joints of the Digits 1 st digit –Interphalangeal joint ____– between _____ and __________phalanges 2 nd – 5 th digit –Distal interphalangeal joint ______– between ________________phalanges –Proximal interphalangeal joint ______– between _______________phalanges
Metatarsals Numbered 1 – 5 Consisting of 3 parts per metatarsal –_____________ –Body (shaft) –_______________ 5 th metatarsal ______________ –Extends _____________(tendon attachment)
Joints of the Metatarsal Metatarsophalangeal joint ______ – Between ______ of metatarsal and ______ of proximal phalanx Tarsometatarsal joint ________ – Between _____ of metatarsal and ________
Sesamoid Bones Small detached bones commonly found on _______________of 1 st metatarsal. Can be ________
Tarsals 7 bones making up the proximal foot –Calcaneus (Os Calcis)* Own positioning –____________ –______________________ –__________
Talus Part of _______________ Between lower leg and calcaneus Articulates with –__________ –Calcaneus –__________
Cuboid __________- aspect Articulates with –_____________metatarsal –_____________ –Lateral (3 rd ) Cuneiform
Navicular ____________ _________- aspect Articulates with –________ –3 cuneiforms
Cuneiforms Medial –____________ –1 st and 2 nd metatarsal –Intermediate cuneiform Intermediate –Navicular –______________ –Medial and lateral cuneiform Lateral –Navicular –Cuboid –_________________ –intermediate cuneiform
Foot Arches Longitudinal __________ –Most Prominent Lateral –_________ Transverse Along the _____ of the _______ Along ______ aspect
Foot Motions _______________ –Toes up ______________ –Toes down _____________ –Inward turning ___________ –Outward turning
Viewing the Foot As it is projected ____________ Toes ________ Tip: –If marker is ___________, hang with marked __________.
Imaging the Toes Routine AP Foot Oblique affected toe Lateral affected toe 50 – 60 kVp 40” SID
AP Foot Have pt supine with __________and ____________on cassette _______________angle to be perpendicular to metatarsals _________Depending on arch. Center to base of ____________ Collimate to skin
Oblique Toe Oblique affected toe _____________ CR to metatarsalphalangeal joint ______ Collimate to affected toe
Lateral Toe Rotate leg ____________(4 th and 5th) or _____________(1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd ). Use sponges and tourniquets to ________ toes from superimposition CR to –_________for the 1 st –_________ for 2-5 Collimate to toe
Imaging the Foot Routine AP Internal Oblique Lateral 60 – 64 kVp
Oblique Rotate foot ________ so __________is 45° from cassette A _________ can be helpful Center at base of _____________ Collimate to skin
Lateral __________foot for __________projection Plantar surface should be ________ cassette. A sponge can be placed under knee for support Center at _______________ Rotate tube so _____________long axis Collimate to skin