CIGRE WG C4.24 – Power Quality and EMC Issues associated with future electricity networks WG Composition: Convener: Francisc Zavoda; Secretary: Sarah Rönnberg Number of members: 41 No distinction made yet between regular and corresponding members Number of countries represented: 23 Number of members from industry: 14 Number of members from university/R&D: 26 WG Timeline: Start Date: 26 September 2013 Expected Date for Submitting Final Report to SC Chairman: Autumn 2016
CIGRE WG C4.24 – Power Quality and EMC Issues associated with future electricity networks Highlights of Recent Activity: Meetings in Paris (August 2014), Rome (December 2014), Anaheim (January Chapters of final report on work (see next slide) Papers at CIRED 2015 and at CIGRE Symposium 2015 Future Activity: Meeting in Frankfurt (May 2015), Lyon (June 2015) and Denver (July 2015) Round table at CIRED 2015 Other Items: Each meeting only covers a small number of chapters, based on participation.
CIGRE WG C4.24 – Power Quality and EMC Issues associated with future electricity networks Chapters in the report: New developments on power electronics Changes in power quality due to smart grids New emissions Transmission New immunity Microgrids and PQ Volt-VAR control and PQ Feeder reconfiguration and PQ Demand side management and PQ New measurements New mitigation Economic issues for PQ