African-American History Project A Collaborative work by: Airen Lowenstein, Brendan White, Kai Chen.
Airen Lowenstein Tennessee Tornado: Wilma Golden Rudolph
Olympic Trials Won the 100meters and the 200metes and qualified for the American Olympic Team and became the youngest member at age 16.
Melbourne, Australia 1956 Olympics Won bronze in the women's 400x4 relay.
1960 Rome Olympics Won the 100meters and the 200meters Anchored the U.S women’s 400x4 relay team to victory despite a bad baton pass.
July of Moscow Equaled her previous world record for the 100meters Again anchored the American relay team to victory
Record Setting Set a new Olympic record in the 200meters of 22.9seconds. Tied the world record of 11.3 seconds in the 100meter semifinals. 400x4 relay, 44.5 seconds a new Olympic Record in the semifinals Broke world record in the 100meter finals with 11.0 seconds
Achievements After Retirement Became the first American Woman to win three gold medals in one Olympics Voted into the Black Athletes Hall of Fame in 1973 Voted into the National Track and Field Hall of Fame in 1974
200meter finish with Wilma Rudolph in first place in the Rome Olympics Rudolph holding her three gold medals won in the Rome Olympics 400meter finish in Rome
Kai Chen 1963 The Million Man March
Brendan White 1968 Martin Luther King Jr.’s Death