Common Core: Just the Basics Deanna E. Mayers Director of Curriculum
Who is using them? 45 states and three territories have adopted the Literacy and Math guidelines ( and Math guidelines The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort, launched more than a year ago by state leaders, including governors and state commissioners of education
A few of the goals and promises: To improve student readiness for post secondary paths Both college and career.
A few of the goals and promises: Designed to be robust and relevant to the "what takes place after high school“
A few of the goals and promises: Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills
A few of the goals and promises: Internationally benchmarked so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society
A few of the goals and promises: Strong and growing across-the- curriculum emphasis
Organized 1.K−5 Cross Disciplinary 2.6−12 English Language Arts 3.6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Additional resources: glossary, reading exemplars, sample performance tasks, sample annotated writing
English Language Arts Reading Strands Reading (including Reading Foundational Skills) Writing Speaking and Listening Language An integrated model of literacy Writing Strands Writing arguments Writing informative/explanatory texts Writing narratives Production and distribution of writing Research Range of writing
English Language Arts Speaking and Listening Comprehension and collaboration Presentation of knowledge and idea (including technology use) Language Knowledge of language Vocabulary (Academic and domain specific)
Reading informational text These terms are frequently noticed in Standards 1-9 for grades 6-12 How does that affect your planning and the instructional activities and assignments you do with your students? Cite Analysis Summary Determine Explain Evaluate Integrate Compare Contrast Analyze Trace Adapted from “Assignments Matter” by Eleanor Dougherty
Mathematics Focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level Grade Level overviews Coherent progressions across grade levels Level is ambitious but achievable.
Mathematics Balance of concepts and skills Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics.
History/social studies, science, & technical subjects Complement rather than replace content standards in those subjects Distributed responsibility of teachers to teach literacy The second public draft of the CCSS Next Generation Science Standards will be available for review later this Fall
The Pa “spin” on Common Core Pennsylvania Department of Education (along with other states) has created: 1.Draft versions of PA Core Standards (the new standard) 2.Crosswalk documents 3.Emphasis Documents
Blackboard Alignment tool Nearly all items in Blackboard no matter how small or large can be aligned to the Common Core standards
Finding your standard Drill down 1.Standard type 2.Goal Set 3.Category 4.Check the box
Viewing the Standards Do you want students to see the standards? Quick reference and remove if needed
How do we, as educators, turn these Standards into compelling instruction? Reflection Question
References Assignments Matter by Eleanor Dougherty, ASCD 212 Standards Aligned System, PA Department of Education Common Core Standards Initiative National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)