We Are to Admonish One Another (Am I My Brother’s Keeper?) Lesson 7
Brief Review Today’s lesson represents our seventh install- ment in this series of lessons concerning the theme, “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” So far we have discovered we are indeed our brother’s keeper because we are to: –Love one another –Be at peace with one another –Give preference to one another in honor –Refuse to judge one another –Edify one another –Receive one another
We Are to Admonish One Another The Characterization of Admonishment The Categories of Admonishment The Course of Action of Admonishment The Conditions of Admonishment The Completion of Admonishment
The Characterization of Admonishment It is important that we fully understand what it really means to admonish one another before trying to practice it. The word “admonish” comes from the Greek word “noutheteo” and it means “to put in mind, to instruct, to warn.” A very important element in all admonishment is the idea of warning an individual of the consequences of his or her actions. Concerning admonishment, it is NOT enough to simply point the error of one’s ways! (I Samuel 2:22-24).
The Categories of Admonishment The first type of admonishment comes from the Lord Himself (Psalm 81:8). The Lord admonishes us by way of His commandments (Psalm 19:7-11). The second type of admonishment comes from one another. It takes place: –In worship (Colossians 3:16) –From spiritual leaders (I Thessalonians 5:12) –From older women to the younger women (Titus 2:3,4) –From the church to the unruly (II Thessalonians 3:14,15)
The Course of Action in Admonishment The approach we take in admonishing one another can make all the difference in the world in its effectiveness! If we are going to admonish one another, it should be done so: –In a spirit of love (Acts 20:31; I Cor. 4:14) –With gentleness (Galatians 6:1,2) –In prayer (I John 5:16,17) –With patience (I Thessalonians 5:14)
The Conditions of Admonishment Not only is the right approach needed in admonishment, but so are the right conditions. We should remember the follow principles: –We can’t admonish someone with whom we have no relationship. –We must first have our own lives in order before we seek to admonish others. (Romans 15:14) –We must be willing to encourage and help as we admonish. (Galatians 6:2) –We need to make sure that the admonishments we give come from the Word of the Lord and not from opinion or mere tradition.
The Completion of Admonishment The goal of admonishing one another should never be to: –Put someone in their place –Humiliate someone –Condemn someone Rather, the goal of admonishing one another should always be to help one another to become mature and complete in Christ. (Colossians 1:28,29)